September 28, 2024 at 2:50 pm

When His Neighbor Kept Parking In “His” Spot, He Got His Revenge By Putting The Car In The Deep Freeze

by Melissa Triebwasser

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Unsplash/Oleg Bilyk

An annoying neighbor constantly stealing people’s parking spot + a big-time snow storm = a perfect recipe for some petty revenge.

That’s the story in this Reddit post and it has a not-so-happy ending for one participant.

Read on for the details.

Parking revenge!

So a little backstory before I get the actual revenge story/

I live in a really small and tight street with super limited parking spots, but it is like a unwritten rule that every parks in front of their place not someone else’s.

Seems like a common sense situation. For most people.

Recently this jerk moved in across the street and he has four cars!

Three that just sit around and one that he drives daily, and he has those junkers parked all over taking other peoples’ spots causing problems.

I have on a few occasions left a small note on his car asking him politely to please not park in my spot and still he keeps doing it.

It really ticks me off because when he does take my spot I have to park a few streets over and walk for about 5 minutes to get home (not far i know, just annoying), because I don’t take other peoples spots.

The author gets it, the neighbor? Not so much.

Three days ago overnight we had a massive snowfall; it was up to my knees and I’m 6’4.

I wake up and need to go to the store to buy groceries so I get a shovel and spend about 30 minutes digging my car out of the parking spot.

I shoveled all the snow out of the spot so it’s easy for me to get back in my spot with my groceries when I get back.

While I’m doing that the jerk comes out and leaves and he looks at me while I’m shoveling snow – we even make eye contact – so he clearly saw me clearing snow out of my spot.

So I go to the store and return some 20 minutes later and what do I see THE JERK has stolen my spot!!

The parking spot that he saw me spend 30 minutes clearing! I instantly get raging mad!

Can’t blame him for that… all that work for nothing!

I honk my horn outside his house to try get him to move his car – that doesn’t work although a thought I saw his curtains move when I honked.

So I calm myself down and get out walk up to his door and knock to see if I can get him to move his car; he doesn’t come to the door but I can clearly hear him inside.

Absolutely furious, I storm back to my car and park on the next street over and carry my groceries through knee-deep snow.

Just as I get to my door I see him peek through his curtains across the street.

He was angry, but he had a plan.

I go inside and plot my revenge.

I waited until it was about 1 a.m to be sure he was asleep, keeping an eye out the entire day to see if he moves his car – which he didn’t.

So I go out with my shovel and I shovel all the snow I could find in a massive radius around his car and pack it tight under his car and around it and a massive pile on top of it!

Took me about 2-3 hours you could not see his car anymore and I was 100% sure he couldn’t drive out of the pile – I packed it SUPER tight.

I go to bed feeling happy with a job well done!

How did the neighbor respond? I am sure you can guess.

The next morning I wake up to a loud knocking on my door so I get out of bed and go to the door.

There he is FURIOUS that his car is in a snow pile and he is going to be late for work and tells me to get my *** outside and dig his car out of the pile.

I calmly walk outside look at the pile and say “oh must have snowed again last night unlucky that your car is parked exactly where it all came down” and give him a little smirk to go with the joke.

I walk back inside and close my door and I can hear him outside for the next hour or so trying to get his car out of the pile.

The message seems to have been received.

He hasn’t taken my spot since then! Mission complete.

Reddit has to appreciate this one, right?

Let’s check in with the comments.

Top comment believes there might be more the author can do beyond the deep freeze.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Speaking of deep freeze… if the author wants to escalate things, here’s an idea.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

They do say revenge is a dish best served cold!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another appreciative comment.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

But not everyone is in on the joke.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another believes that unwritten rules are not ripe for petty revenge.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Some lessons need to be taught, others need to be learned!

His neighbor must have been sooooo mad.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.