Her Boyfriend Keeps Forgetting To Flush The Toilet After Using It, So She Questions Whether They Should Be Together Or Not
by Heide Lazaro
How would you deal with a partner who doesn’t flush the toilet after using it?
Would you stay and keep reminding them or end the relationship?
This woman complains about her boyfriend who keeps forgetting to flush the toilet. Reminding him doesn’t seem to help.
Read the story below for the full details.
AITA for exploding at my bf because he forgets to flush the toilet
I (26F) and my BF (26M) have been dating for a couple of years.
He doesn’t care about cleaning and keeping our place tidy as much as I do.
Honestly, I’m pretty much a clean freak which has caused a lot of stress on the both of us when we moved in together.
This woman shares that her BF usually forgets to flush the toilet.
He also has a habit of spending too much time on his phone while on the toilet (ewww!).
To the point where he will get up, and just forget to flush the toilet.
It started happening about a year ago about once a week.
She lost it and confronted him about it.
It was consistent enough that it became an issue, and we had plenty of discussions about it being a problem.
I think it’s disgusting and irresponsible for an adult to expect someone else to be ok flushing the toilet for them.
Today, he forgot to flush the toilet TWICE, and I just exploded.
Now, she’s questioning whether they should be together or not.
I told him that I found it disgusting, and that I’m absolutely tired of him doing that.
I also told him that it truly makes me question whether we should be together when we have such different standards.
Especially when it comes to cleaning and hygiene. AITA?
That is pretty gross!
What can you say about this? Let’s check out other people’s responses on Reddit.
This person shares a similar experience.
Here’s a valid assumption from this user.
He is being inconsiderate, says this person.
Short and straightforward.
Finally, here’s some real talk.
She deserves a real partner, not an untrained child.
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