In-Laws And Extended Family Make A Surprise Vacation Visit, But When They Expect To Stay In Their One-Bedroom House She Asks Them To Get A Hotel Room
by Laura Ornella
Getting to know your in-laws can be fun — but what happens when they intrude on your vacation?
Read how one Redditor deals with a surprise visit from family that disrupts everything.
Check it out.
AITA for making my in-laws stay in a hotel after they surprised us on our family vacation?
I (37F) took a beach vacation with my husband (40M) and our three kids (4, 2, 3mo).
We also invited his sister, husband & two kids (4, 3), as we had a detached bedroom from the main house, and we genuinely like hanging out with them.
I told her we wanted to keep it small this year since we have a new baby. I’m pretty fresh postpartum, and I didn’t want it to be too stressful
While we were at the beach, we see my MIL, FIL, stepson (20) and his GF pull up.
This is a 3-hour drive from where we live. They came to surprise us at the beach since we haven’t seen my SS in 2 months.
Oh, that’s a cute surprise! Hopefully, it was an easy-going visit.
My SIL said they’ve been planning this for weeks, and she gave them the mile marker.
This was a cool surprise, but afterwards they expected to stay with us in our 1bd/1ba rental house with no real doors(only sliding doors).
They had no plans for lodging or eating, so we got to work to make dinner, which was fine because I had packed extra food.
Glad the dinner plans all worked out, but that’s a lot of people for lodging…
Due to space constraints, I put the baby down for a nap in the restroom (we had two pack-and-plays in there).
When I went back to check on him a little later, my SS & his GF were in the transparent glass shower together steps away from my 3-mo-old baby.
That’s just a bit inappropriate. Seems like quarters are crowded.
I went back to the kitchen and told SIL they cannot stay with us.
My husband told them they could because he is out of touch with what that would actually mean (6 adults, 2 toddlers sharing one RR where 2 babies are sleeping).
I told her what I just saw with SS and GF in the shower, again reminding her it’s too many people going in and out of the RR with 2 kids asleep in there. She understood and started looking up hotels.
Getting a hotel just seems like the best call right now.
My SS’s GF was already scoping out the couch, and she could have slept there but after wrestling 2 babies to sleep in the RR and my 4yo to sleep in the actual bed, the couch was the only place I could sit and have a glass of wine at the end of the night in peace.
If you can’t relax, it’s not a vacation!
After getting a hotel room, they stayed at the beach house until midnight playing poker on the patio and shouting.
My husband asked his dad to please be quiet, since the kids were sleeping, and FIL loudly shouted “shut up” and kept playing.
Ugh, this is really not the getaway she envisioned…
This has since caused major conflict with my husband as he believes we should have just let 4 additional people stay since “They are family.”
We paid for half the hotel room and my SIL paid the other half.
Wait, but they surprised you! Why are you paying for anything?
For context, we have been to the beach one other time with my SIL (last year), but have never been with my MIL and FIL.
My SS has been gone for 2 months, but will be in town the next 3 weeks, so it’s not like we wouldn’t have seen him the next day when we returned.
This whole plan is starting to make no sense.
I understand they wanted this to be a fun surprise, but no one considered how this would impact us as a family traveling with three small children in a relatively small beach house.
AITA for making my in-laws stay in a hotel after they surprised us on our family vacation?
Did the in-laws just want to get in on the beach getaway, or was this actually a surprise gone wrong?
Let’s see what Reddit has to say.
One Redditor cited a bigger problem than the in-laws.
Another reader pointed fingers at the sister-in-law.
A commenter mentioned the audacity this group had.
And finally, a user highlighted this may violate their rental agreement.
The husband should’ve understood how this would impact their family’s getaway.
This group was rude for intruding.
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, bad in-laws, family drama, family reunion, no boundaries, reddit, rude behavior

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