College Professor Gave Them An Incomplete Grade For No Reason, So They Alerted Administration And Got The Professor Fired
by Matthew Gilligan
It can be difficult to understand why some people do the things they do in life…especially when they affect YOUR LIFE.
I can only imagine that’s what was going through this person’s head when a college professor decided to mess with them for no reason.
But have no fear!
Because this story has a happy ending!
Read on to get all the details.
Professor attempts to destroy my education!
“In my adopted motherland, I am a religious minority.
I am a proud citizen now of this land who immigrated here.
And stereotyping, while not very common, is not uncommon here.
And this story is from my college life.
It was one of my programming course that college hired a new professor for.
Although I am a religious minority and the professor was from a different religion (which also, technically a religious minority in this land) that did not really mesh up well.
I did not (as I still do not) care at all!
It was no big deal to them.
You see, I myself am not much religious and my point of view about religion is from the prospective of (social) science.
I believe my first religion is Humanity! Everything else is just a label!
So, back to the story, This professor was teaching us the basics of C++ (as the course was the Intro to C++) and during the final, he gave us a Final project that either counted as the entire final or a major portion of the final exam.
(can’t recall the exact details since it was about 13 years ago).
Once the project was done, we email it to him and he grades it.
I do that and wait for my grade.
It was Spring semester and Summer break/session is about to begin.
Now, another bit of info here, if in a course, you get an “F” (for Failing), the following semester, you can take the course back again.
If you pass, that “F” gets erased from your record and you are on your merry way toward your degree.
BUT for some reason, (like if you do not submit your final project), you get an “I” (Incomplete) and now you have “X amount of time to Complete that work” so that “I” can be transformed into a grade.
I am not too sure now, but I believe if you retake the entire course again, you get a grade but that “I” stays with you and goes to your Transcript/Diploma.
It is extremely frowned upon and may hinder your graduation!
They were upset about their grade.
So, after waiting a few weeks for the semesters’ result, I see I got an “I”! Immediately I emailed the professor asking why I got an I!
No response! I call his office number… No response!
I go to the department, they tells me that the professor have notated in my record (as I guess it was customary to do so) that I have not submitted my Final project and hence the “I.”
To which I fumed up and stated that I had indeed sent my final project using our College email system.
But the department states since I am within “Y” days of that “X amount of Days” (before I need to take care of that “I”).
Since the professor went back to his motherland for a month, I should wait for him to return and he is the only one that can reverse the “I” from my grade!
They mentioned that He probably somehow missed my email containing my final project.
The department assured me that once he is back from his country, they will instruct him to fix this and notify me of it.
I waited for his return till the very last week of that “X amount of Days.”
He did not come back! So that week, I went back to the department and stated my case.
They mentioned that since he was not back, they will email him to get some form of “OK.. I received his email with the project and I see that either he passed or failed, he gets a grade!”
This didn’t look good…
The Comp Sci department CC’s me on that email.
To my utter disbelief, that professor emails back the department chair (I am still CC’ed on it) that he went back to the email and checked! And he got NOTHING from me!
So that “I” stays! He explicitly states that “I” (for Incomplete) stays!
At this point I began to fume so much so that I went back to my Department chair and the department chair now wants me to prove that I sent him that on THAT particular time (right before the end of Final).
I login to the email account and I dig through and find the email; showing it in the “Sent” box.
Department chair replies to that professor that the chairman concurs that I indeed sent that email to the professor.
To which then, the professor replies “It may very well be, but you know how sometimes although the email is sent, it does not arrive at the recipient’s inbox! so I did not get it!”
And right after that email, the professor now goes silent and does not respond back to the chairs’ emails!
Every time I send an email, especially when as important as the college final project (since we are supposed to only use the email address that the college provided).
When I sent the project from the college email, I also CC’ed my personal email on that!
I show the receipt email from my personal email and department chair agrees that the email was indeed sent!
By this point, I am extremely desperate to overturn that “I”. I will take an “F” if needed, but that “I” will hurt my education.
I was extremely popular in our college circuit; so much so that (our college was under a “Chain Education” system and I will not mention any names here; that had more than 20 different Colleges/Universities all across this city!).
I knew the head honcho, the Chancellor and the college president very much and very well!
They thought they knew what was going on…
Now, on the last day, I go to the College president as well as the Chancellor!
show them the proof and state my case (I might have mentioned to them that I am in the process of getting a Lawyer as I feel that this is a clear, blatant and extreme prejudice against me and may very well be racially motivated!)!
They agrees that the professors’ behavior contained a negative intent toward me by giving me an “I” and not a grade that can be the either of “A, B, C, D or F.”
I also lodge a formal complaint against the professor right then and there!
They immediately instructs my department chair to take my project and grade it and then change that “I.”
Now you gotta understand that this was not a norm! The Chair does that and I end up getting an “A”.
When someone becomes a professor for the first time, the first year or so are their Probationary period and if they do not make much splash, they can become permanent.
And now, the Chancellor and the President of my college decides that it’s in the University’s best interest not to retain that professor any longer!
Simply put, they FIRED him!
I get my grade, I am happy!
Summer ends. A new “Winter Session” is about to begin and I get an email in my personal as well as college email account from that very same professor!
Lo and behold!
He apologizes to me for his behavior without directly admitting his prejudiced action toward me and asks me to withdraw my complaint so he can attempt to get his Job back!!!!
I CC that email to the department chair, the college president and the Chancellor and reply to him that “I will not withdraw my complaint at all and he is lucky that I did not involve my lawyer for the serious harm that he intended to cause me!
And I wish and pray that he never gets another chance to teach again; in the event that he might try to ruin another students’ life!”
I graduated from that institution so long ago… but of all the great memories, the few sad ones, this sticks out to me!
Check out what folks had to say about this on Reddit.
This person nailed it.
Another Reddit user shared their thoughts.
This person spoke up.
Another individual chimed in.
And this Reddit user has been there.
We’re glad they got to the bottom of this!
No student should have to deal with this bull.
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.

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