October 9, 2024 at 10:48 am

A Loud Neighbor Wouldn’t Turn Down Their Music, So An Electronics Whiz Zapped Their Stereo

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

I love it when I come across a revenge story on Reddit that makes my heart all warm and fuzzy…

And this is one of them!

Read on and see how this clever fella got even with a rude neighbor.

How to shut a party down for good.

“My dad is an old amateur radio guy (ham operator) and when I was about 13-14, my family was living in a shabby duplex while our new house was being built.

We had decent neighbors on the other half of the duplex, but every time they went away for the weekend (often), their 18-20 year old son would host these huge parties, and did not give two ***** about noise complaints.

Sounds like a Grade-A JERK.

We would call the cops, they could come, turn it down, but the music would get turned up right away when they left.

One night it was getting especially out of hand, and the cops never came to deal with it.

Late into the night, my dad gets up, pulls an old radio of his out of the storage closet (all his gear was packed up since he didnt have the room for it or his 60 foot antenna tower in this little **** hole duplex).

He pulls about 20 feet of unshielded wire off a roll and starts running it out the back of his radio, along the wall, up about 5 feet, back down, across the wall some more, up again, and back down…

…he knew where the tower speakers were located on the other side of the wall from having coffee with the neighbors.

Here it comes…

He keys up the mic and we could hear the click come through the wall. He then shouts “TURN THAT **** DOWN!”

Into the mic, and it came back through the wall louder than I could hear his voice while standing next to him, and about half of “down” is replaced with a loud “whump” noise followed by silence.

Cooked the amplifier for their stereo. Skipped right past any protection circuits inside it.

What a psycho!

My dad had an ear to ear grin before we had the son pounding on our door. My dad opened the door and this kid starts throwing punches immediately.

Called the cops again now with an assault report and suddenly they show up in minutes.

My dad didn’t press charges, but the cops made him apologize, and when his parents got home they made their son pay for the stereo. That was the last party he ever had.”

Check out how Reddit users reacted.

This person was impressed.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Another Reddit user was a fan of this story.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

One reader chimed in.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Another person shared a story.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

That’s how it’s done!


If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.