College Student Shared A Moment With A Homeless Man On His Daily Walk To Class. The Result Is A Mountain Of Spare Change And An Unexpected Friendship.
by Benjamin Cottrell
Unexpected friendships often blossom in the most unusual circumstances. One unsuspecting college student learned this lesson one cigarette at a time.
What began as a casual encounter on a walk to class soon evolved into a comical exchange filled with humor, spare change, and a hefty dose of camaraderie.
You’ll want to read on for this one!
You asked me for all my change, so I complied. In the end I remained the fool.
In 2003, I returned home from my first year of college. I had decided to switch schools and degrees, and attend a local Music technical college instead.
I moved back into my parents home and drove into the city each day for classes.
In order to save on parking, I purchased a permit to park in a church’s lot. This lot was about 10 blocks from the school, so I had a decent walk each day.
One day, he comes across an unexpected visitor.
About a week into classes, I was on my walk, smoking a cigarette, when out of nowhere a homeless man appears right next to me.
He looks as you might imagine. Late 50s, messy salt and pepper hair, flannel jacket, snow pants, work boots with no laces.
He leaned in and asked “Hey buddy, can I get a smoke?!”
The student complied, but with a catch.
Now, I was 19 at the time, and a bit cocky. I was gonna give him one, but he had to work for it.
I told him he could have one, but he would have to walk with me to class and keep me company while he smoked it.
He agreed and off we went. We exchanged names, and asked each other basic questions about our lives. The normal pleasantries.
The homeless man had a request in return.
About a block from school we tossed our butts and he leans in again and says “Hey Buddy, I gotta ask, got any spare change? ” I replied “sorry, but I don’t keep change on me.”
(At the time I tossed all my spare change in some glass milk jugs I had in my room.)
So we parted ways that day.
But not parted ways for good.
I kid you not, 2 weeks later this man had memorized my class schedule. Every. Single. Day.
This man would meet me at the corner. Ask for a smoke and walk me to class. Every day asking me for change. And me having none.
This continued for almost 15 months! (The school I went to didn’t have summer breaks.)
So now, it’s just a few weeks away from graduation.
One day while getting ready for class, an idea strikes him.
It’s the end of winter. I’m getting ready in the morning for class. I put on my leather trench coat, grab my book bag and head for the door.
I look down at the floor and see 2 glass milk jugs overflowing with change.
I look down at the huge pockets in my coat, then back at the change jars.
I’m gonna do it!
He readies his pockets for his walk.
I take each milk jar and turn them upside down into each pocket. You have no idea how much 2 gallons of change actually weighs.
Then I head off for school.
Things start off like normal. He meets me at the corner. I give him a smoke. We set off.
He tries to play it cool, taking pains not to reveal his surprise.
I’m trying my best to step lightly, as to not make my pockets jingle, and I can’t look him in the face because I don’t wanna totally lose it. We finally get to the end of our walk.
We tossed our cigarettes. He turned to me and said, “Hey buddy, I gotta ask, you got any change?”
Does he ever!
So I turn to him and say, “OK. I’m gonna make you a deal. I will give you ALL the change I have in my pockets if you promise to NEVER ask me for change again. DEAL?”
He nods his head in agreement and holds out his one hand, palm up.
He prepares the man for the mountain of change he’s about to receive.
“No you don’t understand” I said “I have a lot of change. ” So he holds out both hands. Cupping them together.
“No” I said, ” You don’t understand. I have A LOT of change!”
He stands there with a questioning look on his face, so I grab the bottom of his sweatshirt, and pull it up, and make him hold it like a hammock.
Out comes the change!
I then proceed to start shoveling handfuls of change into its sweatshirt. Handful after handful and his eyes are getting wider in sheer disbelief.
Just when he thinks I’m about finished, I SWITCH TO THE OTHER POCKET! More and more change.
It’s sound is echoing between the buildings, and BOTH of us are laughing uncontrollably.
I finally finished. He thanked me and waddled off like a pregnant woman, and I went to class.
Of course, that wasn’t the last he would see of the man.
The next day was bright and sunny. I park my car at the church. I’m walking, big smile on my face. He meets me at the corner, also with a big smile on his face.
He leans in with a huge grin and says, “HEY BUDDY! Can I get a smoke?!”
*Long pause*
“Yea Buddy, you can have a smoke.”
He’s not going to be rid of the man that easily!
What did Reddit think?
Technically, the homeless man did honor his promise.
This redditor argues that the college student actually did a great thing for this man.
This commenter also applauds the student’s kindness.
The college student should have been more specific in their request.
This student learned that if you give a little, you might just gain a lot.
Sometimes the most unexpected friendships form in the most unlikely places.
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · Coincidence, college, friendship, FUNNY, homeless, homeless man, malicious compliance, picture, reddit, spare change, top, unlikely friendship

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