October 23, 2024 at 10:21 pm

His Grandpa Made Up Lies To Get Money For Luxury Items, So He Shamed Him On Social Media And The Whole Family Disowned Gramps

by Ashley Ashbee

Source: Pexels/cottonbro studio/Reddit

Lying to get money is bad, even if you do it only once.

But if you do it a lot and you’re messing with family, it can really cause trouble down the road.

This crafty kid got back at his con artist grandpa for abusing his dad’s goodwill.

Check out the details below!

Steal from your son/my dad? Enjoy getting removed from the family!

My Grandfather calls my Dad and asks him for one or two hundred dollars to repair his house.

A week later he calls him back for some more money but this time in a much larger amount: about two grand.

Of course my good old Pops gave him the money.

His grandson smells something fishy.

This goes on up until the point he’s sucked out about 10k from my Dad for ‘repairs.’

At the time I was only 16 but still was smart enough to realize that my Dad was totally getting conned by my Grandfather.

This goes on for awhile, eventually siphoning 23k from my Dad for his ‘repairs.’

Then we see on my Aunt’s social media a picture of my Cousins and them at Grandpa’s house.

We see a hot tub, new car, and really nice looking clothes on my Grandpa.

I was ticked at my Grandfather.

We were struggling financially all because he wanted a hot tub, a new car, some clothes, and some beer.

He never used the money for what he said he would. He basically stole it and bought luxury stuff.

This is where I decide to get my revenge.

My Dad didn’t want to tell any of our family members because he believed he would get paid back eventually.

I wasn’t having any of it.

So he holds the grift against him.

He probably messed up my Christmas by sucking out all that money and I am NOT letting this slide.

So I message every single family member with a sob story, making it seem like we were way more poor than we were by pulling everything out of our cabinets but some chips and a bag of goldfish and taking a picture of the barren wasteland.

At the time I lived in a room we built out of our garage.

It looked pretty bad, so I took a picture of that as well claiming it was run down and we couldn’t afford to repair it.

Of course they were all TICKED when I sent this and all trashed him over the phone, some went to his house and harassed him over it.

After the sob story I threw together they completely ignored his existence and went about their lives.

After this happened his house turned into a rundown shack since he never used the money he borrowed to repair it and wouldn’t be getting any to repair it.

And grandpa is about to pay dearly for it.

Two years later my Dad gets a call from him bringing news that he has prostate cancer and he’s practically homeless.

Ever since the family found out no one has talked to him, not even a text in the last 2 years.

Basically pretending he didn’t exist.

I ask to talk to him and in a cheery voice I say “I’m glad to hear it, and no, I won’t be going to your funeral.

I don’t think anyone will.

I hope you enjoy being alone for the last few years of your life!”

Then I pass the phone back to my Dad and return to playing video games.

Not too sure if that was a bit much since he’s probably dead now and died alone.

I honestly don’t care.

Here is what folks are saying.

Notice that a lot of thieves are also really shallow?

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

It’s a lot of gumption for that age!

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

It’s true. The more you give, the more they take.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

I imagine it’s a shame thing.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

I sincerely doubt it.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

It’s sad when there is a black sheep.

But this one was so much more.

Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.