October 1, 2024 at 1:48 pm

Mother-In-Law Keeps Posting Baby Info On Social Media Without Permission, So New Mom Wants To Ban Her From The Hospital

by Diana Whelan

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Lisa Fotios

It’s every parent’s nightmare to have their personal boundaries stomped on, especially by family.

This mom’s been dealing with her MIL’s social media antics for years, and now, with baby #2 on the way, she’s ready to put her foot down.

But is keeping grandma out of the delivery room a step too far?

Read on for the story…

AITA if I refuse to let my MIL come to the hospital when our baby is born?

My MIL has been difficult since day 1, unfortunately, she’s only gotten worse.

I don’t want my children’s info posted on social media. I don’t want specific information. I know some pictures will end up on social media, I don’t want their faces all over.

When we found out I was pregnant with my daughter, she posted on FB I was pregnant.

Oh, one of THOSE.

I was pissed and insisted she took it down. I was still on my 1st trimester & my now husband and I were not yet married.

My close family members had not even been told.

Later, when the date was scheduled and she found out, she posted my daughter’s DOB on FB. I was pissed and asked her to take it down. She said I was paranoid.

A couple weeks before my daughter was born, I kindly let her know my boundaries for my kids on FB. 1- no specifics (full names & exact DOB) 2 – If she wants to post a picture, please ask first.

A very fair request.

Her response was “No, I’m not doing that, you don’t get to tell me how to be a grandma” I responded with, “that’s fine, if you can follow the rules, you can’t come to the hospital”

As it happened, I went into labor later that day (3 weeks early). She never came. She didn’t meet my daughter for several months.

Fast forward, now my daughter is 5 and baby #2 will be here in 3 weeks. The thought of her coming to the hospital gives me so much anxiety!!

No kidding.

There have been a handful of other minor things over the last few years that have told me loud and clear she doesn’t respect me.

I was planning on not telling my husband the date, somehow he found out, of course she already knows.

I know if I say she can’t come it will cause a major fight.

She’s tried to be clear, but Grandma seems determined to post first, ask questions never.

Reddit thinks Grandma needs a reality check.

This person thinks there’s multiple problems (aka people) involved.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person has a similar story.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person thinks MIL’s got boundary issues.

Source: Reddit/AITA

One thing’s for sure…

If  Grandma can’t respect the rules, she might be stuck with likes and comments from home.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.