October 3, 2024 at 9:19 pm

Mom Left Everything To Her Eldest Son Who Was Lazy And Rarely Worked, So When Dad Passed He Left Everything To The Other Two Kids. Now The Eldest Is Begging For Help.

by Michael Levanduski

Source: Shutterstock

It is very hard when a parent passes away, and it can be even more difficult if their inheritance doesn’t go the way that you expected.

What would you do if your brother got everything from your mom, and then complained when he didn’t get anything from your dad?

That is what the guy in this story experienced, and he is refusing to give his brother part of his dad’s estate.

Read on for the full details.

AITA for not giving my brother a share of my inheritance for his property taxes?

When my mom passed, she left everything to my older brother, Jason.

Sounds like a real winner.

Jason never moved out of my mom’s home.

He never had anything more than part-time minimum-wage jobs.

My mom forgot about me or my sister and preferred Jason.

It also meant she had minimal contact with her grandchildren when she favored him.

My father, who lost that home in a divorce, said it wasn’t fair that Jason inherited everything from my mom.

He was trying to make it even it sounds like.

My father suddenly passed away, and Jason was kept out of his will because my dad was still sour about what my mom did.

Jason was shocked when he was left out of my dad’s will.

Sounds like Jason needs to get a job.

He said the property tax on my mom’s house was late because he was planning to use the money from Dad’s inheritance, which was a dirty trick Dad pulled on him.

My sister Debbie already told Jason to get a job, and maybe he will have the 7k by the time it’s due.

I’m also not giving Jason anything.

It’s how my dad wanted it.

Jason was freaking out during the reading because he didn’t get anything, and he’s already going through most of my mom’s money and hasn’t worked in 5 years since her death.

He called us all ******** and said he needed the money more than us.

I’m sure this was the same line he used on my mom to get Debbie and me written out of my mom’s will.

Jason acts like he will fight the will, but my dad talked about how Jason got 100% of my mom’s inheritance; he doesn’t get anything.

On top of my dad’s insurance, Debbie and I are going to sell my dad’s home, and hopefully, the market stays hot.

Jason has plenty of options here.

I suggest to my brother that he do the same thing and take the money and downsize to a smaller apartment or home.

My brother is ranting to anyone who will listen, calling us selfish jerks, and even setting up a GoFundMe for his taxes.

Several family members have donated.

Grandma needs to stay out of it (or pay the taxes herself is she is so concerned.).

My grandma (on my mom’s side) has reached out to me to help him with the taxes, and I said no.

My grandma said she is no longer going to leave Debbie and me anything now because of how we treated our brother, but I reminded my grandma that our mom (her daughter) started this, and no one threw a fit about it when mom died.

Debbie had two small children then and could have used the money.

I didn’t see Debbie start a GoFundMe, and I don’t remember you (grandma) calling Jason and asking him to give up part of his share for us.

My grandma said it was a different situation, and I told her, “Not really.”

He is an able-bodied adult, let him get a job.

I’m sure the people in the comments have a lot to say, let’s take a look.

Things are more fair now, no need to ‘fix’ anything.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Right? Why does Jason feel he deserves anything?

Source: Reddit/AITA

Perfect explanation.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Exactly. He made his bed, let him sleep in it.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Yup, Jason’s problems are his own.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Come on, Jason. Get a job!

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.