October 21, 2024 at 4:48 am

Bride Tried To Set Her Up With The Best Man Against Her Wishes, So She Left The Night Before The Wedding And Never Looked Back

by Mila Cardozo

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/EmmaBauso

Participating in a friend’s wedding can really solidify the friendship.

But in this case, the bride did something the maid of honor could not forgive, so she left the night before the wedding.

Now she is wondering if she is in the wrong for doing so.

Let’s analyze the situation.

AITA for ditching a wedding that I (f20) was the maid of honor in because the bride (f22) tried to set me up with the best man (m28)?

I was supposed to be the maid of honor at a wedding a few weeks ago.

I ended up just leaving and going home to my boyfriend of 6 years after the bride and groom tried to set me up with the best man.

When my friend got engaged last year I was excited for her and even more excited when she asked me to be the maid of honor.

As invites went out, though, she asked me to not bring my boyfriend to the wedding.

I was really upset about that but my boyfriend talked me down telling me that weddings were expensive and they were probably trying to keep the guest list down.

They didn’t really know him, so he thought it would be fine for me to go without him.

That made sense to me so I didn’t say or do anything after that and just continued with helping as I could as the maid of honor.

Everything seemed to be going as expected.

Nothing else really concerning happened again until a couple of days before the wedding.

The bride asked me to give the best man a ride to and from the wedding which was about a 4-hour drive.

I thought it was just part of it as he was a veteran and had his own issues surrounding that.

So I gave him a ride up to the Airbnb that we were staying at before the wedding.

The whole time he tried to make conversation that was just weird to me, and I was just not into it, and just trying my best to be nice to him.

She started noticing a pattern and feeling increasingly uncomfortable.

At the Airbnb with everyone, I immediately noticed things were off.

All of the other bridesmaids had their boyfriends there and things were really awkward when I found out I was in a room with the best man.

The next day before the rehearsal dinner the bride and groom cornered me in a room to say that the best man was an incredible guy and that I was blowing him off without really giving him a chance.

I told him: “well of course not, I have a serious long-term boyfriend which yall specifically told me not to bring”.


Then the bride cut in and told me that my relationship really wasn’t that serious since he hadn’t proposed in so long.

I argued back that was because we were both still in school.

We continued arguing for a little while before I finally just said “forget it, I’m going home.”

I got called all sorts of awful names, went out of the room, packed up, and left.

I got a lot of calls on the way home which I ignored until my boyfriend called.

Apparently the bride called him and told him I just left for no reason and he called to check in on me.

I told him everything that had happened and he was kind of dumbstruck by it all.

Who wouldn’t be?

Anyway, after the wedding I’ve had the bride, the groom, and a lot of their friends call or message me telling me how horrible of a person I was for just leaving the night before the wedding for no reason.

None of which were receptive to my side of things and it’s starting to worry me that maybe I overreacted by just leaving like that.


Absolutely not.

Let’s see what Reddit has to say.

A reader shares their thoughts.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This commenter shares their point of view.

Source: Reddit/AITA

A commenter thinks this will be a good story to tell someday.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another reader chimes in.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person brings to light how serious this was.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person compliments how she handled the situation.

Source: Reddit/AITA

It was very disrespectful to her and her boyfriend.

And that’s putting it mildly.

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