October 4, 2024 at 12:22 am

Boyfriend Was Betrayed By His Unfaithful Girlfriend, So He Broke Up With Her And Exposed Her Infidelity To All Her Friends And Family

by Michael Levanduski

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

It can be extremely painful when you are in a relationship with someone who you love and trust, and then you are betrayed.

When you find out your significant other has cheated on you multiple times, just breaking up with them doesn’t seem like enough.

That is the situation the man in this story was in, so he managed to enact some petty, yet satisfying, revenge on his unfaithful girlfriend.

Check it out.

Cheating girlfriend – Ruining her image revenge

It was Easter weekend and my girlfriend (of a year) invited me to her parents house for Easter dinner.

She lived 9 hours away and I was the only one with a car, so naturally i drove us there and back.

That is nice that he went to meet her family.

I missed Easter weekend with my entire family, just so i could finally meet her family for the first time.

I really wanted to spend Easter with my own family because there were relatives from out of country that i had not seen in a few years, but I chose to meet my girlfriends family instead.

The weekend went fine and we returned home without any problems.

No big deal, sounds like everyone had fun.

However, the next day my girlfriend went out to a birthday party for one of her friends i didnt know, so i stayed at home and just hung out with a few of my friends.

My girlfriend ends up getting blackout drunk and returns home, puking on and off for hours (she always ended up this way when she drank).

This isn’t good.

I take care of her for a little while until one of our mutual friends sends me a text saying we need to talk.

He came over to my house the next morning, informing me that my girlfriend had had *** with a dude at the party.

I was furious.

One day after meeting her entire family, she decides to cheat on me.

So right after finding out i decide to confront her about what our friend had just told me.

What a horrible person.

She owned up to it all, and telling me she also had slept with 2 other guys throughout our relationship, one of the guys she banged was my neighbour, and to make it worse, it was on my own birthday.

I broke up with her on the spot.

I decided the only thing to do was Facebook inbox her mother.

Petty, but she deserved it (and much much more).

I started by saying thanks so much for the Easter weekend and it was great to meet her family, then i explained that her own daughter had cheated on me with a few guys and that we are no longer together.

Her mom flipped out and eventually her entire family found out that she was a cheating girlfriend.

She hated the fact that i ruined her image of herself for her family, and her image her friends had of her.

She also ended up getting an non-permanent STD from this guy, making her life even worse for the next month or so.

Dodged a huge bullet there, because i would have likely got it if i hadnt broken up with her that day.

Telling her mom was extremely petty, but it did feel good to mess up her life a bit, after what she did to me.

Lesson: Don’t cheat.

Cheaters are the scum of the Earth and deserve to be outed every time.

Let’s see what the people in the comments think about it.

This is absolutely true.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Not at all. If you cheat, the whole world should know.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Yes, she exposed her true self.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Yup, it can be hard to see that in your kids sometimes.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Absolutely, the guy is a hero.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

If you want to cheat, just break up with your significant other first!

I’ll never understand it.

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.