A Lady Accused A DoorDash Driver Of Driving Too Fast, So The Driver Made Sure To Drive The Slowest He Could
by Jayne Elliott
Speed limits are set to keep people and drivers as safe as possible, but some backseat drivers have their own idea about what’s “too fast.”
In today’s story, an old lady thinks 10 miles per hour is way too fast, and a delivery driver decides to listen to her and drive slower.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
You’re going too fast!
I doordash as full time due to my disability.
Hip dysplasia and loose tendons if anyone asks.
It was passed 7:30 pm, pretty much my time to end my shift and go home.
I had to drive 10 miles to drop off the food.
I came to a dirt road with gravel so I slowed down to 10 mph.
He arrived at the delivery location.
There was 3 large properties with trailers in each of them.
The last trailer was my drop off and it looked like this family owns a business by the trackers and bulldozer.
I pulled into the driveway as I slowed down. Park my car and grabbed the food.
Soon as I got out, I heard a voice.
“You’re going too fast!”
An old lady yelled to him.
I looked where the voice was coming from and found an old lady sitting next to a firepit.
“Sorry what?” I called to her.
“You’re going too fast! We have children and pets here! You need to slow down!” She yelled back at him.
I wasn’t going to argue with her. I gave her a wave and said, “Yes, ma’am!”
He apologized.
Went up to the door and knocked.
A gentleman probably in his early 20s opened the door and apologized.
“Sorry for driving fast on the drive way. The lady at the firepit told me I was driving too fast. Tell her I said I will drive slowly in next time.”
“Oh, okay.”
He takes his food and looks at the old lady, giving her the look like she’s crazy.
He made sure to go super slowly.
I gave her a little wave and a smile.
She just sat there and watched me with a glare.
I get into my car and proceed to back up very slowly, 3 MPH. I stopped when I was able to see her in my rearview mirror.
Switch into drive and go forward 3 MPH.
The old lady was still angry.
Halfway out of the driveway, she gets up and starts to yell at me. No clue why, I was driving at a safe speed.
I drove back onto the dirt road and kept going 3 MPH with her slowly walking towards me with her cane waving in the air.
Took me 2 minutes to get out of the dirt road with her still on my tail, very far on my tail.
Nobody got hurt.
I soon as I got on the road, I gave her a wave with a smile drove off at the normal speed limit.
At least I can say, no children or pets were hurt during this delivery.
Thanks to this lady for putting me in my place.
I’m not sure if giving the old lady what she asked for is really revenge, but at least he made sure to drive at a safe speed.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted…
This reader shared a similar story…
Another reader was hoping for a different form of revenge.
This person has car problems.
Another person pictured the story ending differently.
That old lady really seemed upset for no reason.
Some people just want to stay mad.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.

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