A Police Officer’s Car Was Blocking The Sidewalk, So A Person In A Wheelchair Called The Police
by Jayne Elliott
Police officers are the ones who give tickets, but it’s not as common for police officers to get tickets.
In today’s story, a person in a wheelchair turns the tables by calling the police about a police officer who parked illegally.
They were totally justified, too.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
I got a police officer ticketed for illegal parking!
I use a motorized wheelchair, and half my life is spent reporting awful sidewalk conditions.
In particular, cars being parked on sidewalks is a major problem in some of the main areas I frequent.
OP reported a Range Rover that was blocking a driveway.
Today I came across two cars parked in the driveway outside of their garage, blocking nearly the entire sidewalk.
As I passed by taking photos from the street of their license plates, I realized that the primary offender, a shiny black Range Rover, had a “Proud Member, Fraternal Order of Police” badge on it.
Rather than just reporting it through regular City channels, I called 911.
(In my county, there is no separate non-emergency number and all calls, whether they be homicides or cats stuck in trees, have to go through central dispatch.)
A police officer actually gave the Range Rover a ticket.
I sat around for a while, expecting to have to call again because police don’t tend to roll on other police.
Imagine my surprise when, 15 minutes later, an officer rolls up, inspects the area, and tickets the Range Rover and the other car!
I’m so used to having to fight this and actually inform police on what the laws are in regards to right of way.
So this one time ever I’m just relishing how lovely and easy it was to get this guy ticketed, badge or not.
That was a short, sweet and satisfying story of making sure even police officers obey the traffic laws.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted…
The Range Rover’s owner might not have been a police officer.
This reader doesn’t think it was a police officer either…
Another reader loves the revenge.
If the vehicle’s owner was a police officer, he might not have had to pay the ticket.
This reader wants to know more about parking laws.
Whether or not the car’s owner was a police officer, it’s great that the police responded so quickly.
Taking care of business!
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · 911, blocking, petty revenge, picture, police officer, reddit, sidewalk, ticket, top, wheelchair

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