Casino Dealer Refused To Admit That A Player Won, So They Did His Best To Win Every Game And Not Tip The Dealer After His Victories
by Sarrah Murtaza
Some people can really make you become petty…especially when money is involved.
In this story, a poker player gets revenge on a dealer at a casino who being a royal jerk.
Check out the full story!
Not doing your job? Well, now you’re not getting paid.
Poker dealers at casinos make most of their money in tips. After a hand is played, it’s customary for the winner to throw a dollar or two to the dealer, in the same manner as a server.
After a particularly big hand, it’s not uncommon for a $5 or even $25 dollar chip to wind up in their hands.
So, it’s in the best interest of the dealer to do their best work, again, in the same manner as a server, lest they not make their wage.
To ensure a dealer is focused (and that there’s no cheating going on between specific players and dealers), a dealer is generally only sat at a table for about 30 minutes, and then is cycled out with someone else.
This is where it gets interesting…
The first hand a new dealer dealt at my table was the start of the best 30 minutes of poker of my life, specifically because this dealer was an AH.
Without getting into Hold Em minutiae, I won the hand, and showed my cards, then threw them into the pile.
During the throw, the cards flipped over, so you could only see the back.
The dealer messed up big time!
It was established that I won the hand, and really, I had no obligation to show, as no one called my bet.
During my “mucking” of the cards, the dealer had entered a conversation with a passerby and turned away from the table, which is strictly forbidden.
He didn’t see who won the hand, and thus declared it a chop (draw) and gave the remaining players an equal amount back.
The other players didn’t protest this, as they earned about 30 bucks from it.
He let the floor manager weigh in…
It was about a 90 dollar loss for me.
I obviously petitioned the dealer, but he gave me a “too bad, so sad” spiel, and moved on.
I got irate, called over the floor manager and while he agreed the dealer should have been paying attention, I shouldn’t have mucked before the dealer could confirm.
Things got heated…
We’re outside the real rules here.
People folded, I was last in, and won the pot.
They refused to overturn, and suggested that I’d be welcome to leave if I was unsatisfied.
But I would demand satisfaction, even if I needed to manufacture it.
He had a crazy way of playing the game.
I played like an idiot. I would make absurd raises, be belligerent (within the confines of the house allowances), and straight up disallow any functional level of poker from being played.
All-in every other hand… just being a real mean person. And the best part is that I was constantly getting great cards. So that even if I was called for hundreds of dollars, I would likely have taken it down.
The play was so erratic that you couldn’t possibly enter a hand without facing an impossible choice.
His technique paid off!
A lot of the time, I was pulling these stunts very early in the hand, forcing people to fold without them ever getting past the blinds (forced small bets to keep the game moving), meaning the house wasn’t even taking their per-hand profits.
And at the end of every hand, I stared at the dealer. Looked him right in the eyes, as I pulled the pot towards me.
And of course, never once did I send a chip in his direction. Of the 40 or so hands played in that half hour, I won over 35 of them.
He knew what he was doing!
My roommate won a few, as well.
I was betting hundreds of dollars every other hand specifically to stop this dealer from earning just one.
I was impossibly petty.
The dealer effectively worked for a half hour for half wages. Dealers are only paid when they are sat and dealing at this casino, and after this debacle, he was called out of the poker room.
He just wanted the dealer to apologize.
I made three people leave the table, and once the dealer was gone, we left the casino as well.
All I wanted was a “I messed that up, I’m sorry.” Just a quick apology.
We’re all human; we make mistakes. But he had to be smug about it, so I channeled my inner cowboy and ran the table like I had a weapon out in the open.
That was the last time he played at that casino.
I took money from the dealer. I took money from the house. And I took money from the players who didn’t support my petition for my clearly won hand.
And then I never went back to that garbage casino.
That sounds like a very memorable night at the casino!
Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this one.
This user applauds the guy for his petty revenge.
This user thinks looking through the cameras would have been a wise decision.
This user thinks it is insane that a dealer earns through someone else’s win.
This dealer shares their thoughts about the story!
This user also suggests demanding the camera footage.
It’s too bad the dealer didn’t suggest looking at the cameras!
Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.

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