Her Brother-In-Law Asked This Woman And Her Partner To Leave Work To Look After His Kids, But When She Refused He Called Her Manipulative
by Heide Lazaro
It’s true, looking after children can be challenging, especially if both parents are working.
But, how hard is it to hire a sitter?
This woman shares that his partner’s brother kept asking them to take care of his children.
He wanted her partner to take days off from work—without pay—and look after his kids.
She finds it really unfair.
Read below for all the details.
AITA for declining unpaid childminding
I moved to Adelaide on a partner visa.
My partner has been here for nearly a decade.
His siblings are also here, but in separate homes.
This woman’s brother-in-law wants them to help out in looking after their kids.
His brother wants us to take care of his children from time to time.
He’s asking my partner to go on unpaid leaves, like twice in a month, to attend to the children.
The brother and his partner have unplanned work shifts, and they can’t send the kids to childcare.
She said it’s unfair!
I called this out, saying how unfair it is for him as a casual AIN to not go to work, unpaid, for childminding duties.
His brother won’t also pay him for taking the day off at work.
His brother got so mad at me, and blocked all communication channels with me.
Now, the brother is saying mean things about them
He told me that I’m manipulating my partner, because he chose to go to work instead of minding his niece and nephew.
AITA here?
Let’s check out what other people have to say about this.
This user shares their personal thoughts.
Someone from Australia speaks up.
This one calls the brother a bully.
People are also calling out the brother.
Finally, the brother is entitled, says this one.
His kids, his problems.
It’s as simple as that.
If you liked this post, you might want to read this story about a teacher who taught the school’s administration a lesson after they made a sick kid take a final exam.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, baby sitting, childminding, partner, photo, reddit, top, unpaid leave

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