Person Uses Stranger’s Email For Gaming Account, But Loses Console Link And Password Access as Payback
by Heather Hall
When people carelessly use your email as a throwaway, it can be frustrating, especially when it gets tied to important accounts that aren’t even yours.
So, what would you do if someone linked your email to a gaming account, giving you full access to change their settings and passwords?
Would you ignore it?
Or would you change some settings?
In today’s story, one person takes a stand against people using their email account without permission.
Here’s what happened.
Use My Email? Lose Your 2K
I think my email address has to have been part of some sort of list hack.
It’s not even a firstname.lastname situation.
It’s a nonsense word, and it’s been used several times by people as a throwaway account when signing up for something.
But this time, someone used it for their 2K account.
Now, I’m not a gamer.
I don’t know what 2K is, really.
I know it is some sort of portal, and I’m mad.
I don’t know how to delete the account, or how to change anything except the password.
But I did find out today that I can unlink the account from whatever console this person is using.
Not only did they unlink the console, but the also changed the password.
So, your PlayStation is no longer linked.
And I have changed the 2K password (first thing I did) so they can’t relink it.
Now, I don’t know what this did, but I do know they were using the account in some capacity because I got a response to a game bug report.
I’m the epitome of petty.
And I will keep changing passwords until people stop using my email as a throwaway.
Yikes. That person probably wasn’t happy.
Let’s check out how the folks over at Reddit relate with this situation.
Many people were confused by the title.
This person had someone hack into their account.
Eek! Can’t believe people give fake info when booking reservations.
Here’s someone who’s been on the other side of it.
It serves them right!
Maybe next time they’ll use their own email when registering accounts.
Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · 2k basketball, email address, password change, petty revenge, picture, playstation, reddit, top

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