Employees’ Store-Bought Lunches Went Missing In The Office, So They Devised A Creative Revenge Plot To Catch The Thief
by Heide Lazaro
Stealing lunch in the office is all too common; however, that doesn’t mean it’s okay to steal someone else’s lunch.
In today’s story, an employee who is a victim of a lunch thief works with the engineers in the office to come up with a creative revenge plan to catch the lunch thief.
They were like detectives, swiftly but carefully following the steps of the criminal.
Read the story below for the full details.
Dirty dirty little lunch thief
This took place when I was still a teen, fresh out of university working directly under an engineer.
The office I was doing my 4000 hours in was fairly large—5 floors of a large office building (a Toronto construction firm).
Well, I was lazy and always picked up my lunch from Wholefoods, usually sushi, on my way to work.
This employee’s lunches went missing.
My floor had its own break room and fridge, and for the first 6 months, nothing ever went missing.
Until we got a batch of university office interns in (paid interns).
Then, wouldn’t you know lunches would go missing?
And it wasn’t just mine. Any lunch in store packaging was gone if there was a name on it or not.
So, one of the engineers devised a plan.
Well, after two weeks of our lunches just walking away, we’re all getting annoyed (don’t mess with my salmon sashimi).
One of the engineers comes up with an idea and asks everyone to throw in a couple of dollars to solve this problem.
The following week, he sends a text to the store-bought lunch people to meet in the break room before work.
And sent a text to everyone in the office to not touch any of the packaged lunches.
He sprayed the food packages with black light reactive spray.
We meet up and he hands us this little spray bottle to spray the packaging.
It was this black light reactive spray, (glows from a black light) but completly undetectable.
Lunch rolls around, and guess what, every single packaged lunch is gone.
Then, they followed the fingerprints to look for the thief.
And this guy brings out a black light and starts looking for finger prints.
He found them on the door down the hall to the elevator.
Now, imagine 5 of the super nerdy engineers you have ever seen going down a hallway with a black light, like something from a discount CSI.
He thought it was the interns, but it’s not!
Well, there are finger prints everywhere right up to the elevator, on the buttons, and down to the 2nd floor.
Down the hallway, at this time, I figured some of the interns are nicking our lunches.
But I was wrong.
They found out it was the Head of Sales stealing their lunch.
We followed it right to the Head of the Sales Department’s desk.
And well, we were shocked to see his hands! They were glowing like crazy!
Not to mention, he had touched his face, so there was this glowing mess covering his face.
The guy knew he was caught, and we made an agreement not to go to HR, but to get a picture of him and pizza for our floor every Friday for two months.
They printed a picture of him and posted it everywhere!
We stayed extra that day to print out the glowing mess that was his face.
We printed at least a hundred of them with the caption dirty dirty lunch thief.
Those things went up everywhere—the bathrooms, all the entryways of the building, every office door, and desk in sight.
Needless to say, the lunches stopped going missing and I was able to eat my sushi in peace.
What a pro-level revenge indeed.Stealing lunch is not cool!
Let’s find out what others on Reddit have to say about this.
People are loving the story.
This person thinks the revenge was effective.
This person shares a piece of honest advice.
This user shares a similar story.
Finally, a short but straightforward comment.
Moral of the story: Never mess with engineers!
Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · engineers, fingerprints, interns, lunch, lunch thief, picture, pro revenge, reddit, top

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