A Teen’s Relentless Jokes About Her Sister’s Injury Went Unchecked, So She Learned The Hard Way That What Goes Around Comes Around
by Benjamin Cottrell
Just when you’re feeling on top of the world, karma has a funny way of knocking you down — in this case, literally.
One teen constantly teased her sister over a past injury, but she never expected to fall victim to the same fate.
And when she did, her sister was ready to serve a steaming hot plate of poetic justice.
Read on for the full story!
AITA for not forgiving my sister for this?
Many years ago, when I was a few weeks shy of being 10, my sister ended up twisting her knee.
For some reason I found this funny, and continually teased her about it.
Eventually, I stopped, but I still made jokes about it from time to time until I was about 11.
But they never knew the same fate was awaiting them!
Just a few days ago, I ended up twisting my knee.
It was painful, and I was stuck on the floor of the house for a solid 10 minutes, not being able to do anything.
I would have asked my mother to help me, but she was in the shower.
So I call out for my sister, who walks up to me…
You can guess what happens next
…and proceeds to laugh in my face.
She just continually teases me until she goes back to her room, leaving me there unable to walk or move at all really.
Eventually I was able to get up, but only after about 30 minutes.
AITA for not forgiving my sister for this?
What goes around, comes around!
What did Reddit think?
To put it briefly: It’s only fair.
Sarcasm incoming…
If it was funny before, it should be hilarious when she experiences it firsthand, right?
Karma is rarely this timely.
Ultimately, the pain of the injury paled in comparison to the sting of her sister’s laughter. But does she really have the right to complain?
Perhaps from now on she’ll tread more lightly – both with her walk and with her words.
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