December 25, 2024 at 8:21 am

Annoying Woman’s Humming Drove The Office Nuts, So Coworker Pumped Up The Punk Rock To Drown It Out

by Benjamin Cottrell

Source: Getty/Hiraman, Reddit/PettyRevenge

Workplaces are full of unique personalities, but some can test your patience more than others.

When one colleague’s music and tone-deaf humming become unbearable, the narrator finds a solution to regain some peace – by being even louder!

Read on for the full story.

Cubical farm: not revenge but definitely petty

In my job, I split time between a computer lab and a cubicle.

My cube is in a small office room with about 4 other cubes.

One worker is particularly loud.

The woman in the cube next to me likes playing music (not quietly) while atonally humming along.

I’ve never heard someone whose voice can technically be not loud but also piercing in a screeching/hum howling way.

She’s staked her claim of the office, to say the least.

She’s been here so long that she’s managed to claim 2 cubes against a wall, essentially giving her an office larger than my boss’s actual office.

So finally her coworker is fed up and decides to get even.

Any time she turns her music/screeching on, I immediately turn on my music.

And I just love 80s and 90s punk.

It actually helps me as I can zone out and concentrate better, but I never turn it on unless she does.

I also set a volume that is necessary to drown out her music. It’s not subtle. 😬

Sadly there’s no “revenge” yet.

I just can’t believe no one has said something to me about it. 🤣

That’ll show ’em!

What did Reddit have to say?

Perhaps ear plugs would work just as well to block out the noise?

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

No one likes hearing themselves back – so maybe that would help put a stop to the noise.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Some people just have no awareness whatsoever.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This commenter doubts the worker is alone in their annoyance.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

The worker’s loud rebellion is sure to get their point across eventually!

After all, a little punk rock is often the best way to drown out the noise.

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.