Tag: coworkers

July 2, 2024 at 8:28 am

An Outsider Came Into Their Work And Took A Prize Away From A Current Employee, So They Banded Together To Get The Outsider Transferred

Source: Reddit/maliciouscompliance/Pexels/IAN

Everyone got what they deserved in the end. 

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July 1, 2024 at 11:48 pm

Employee Set Boundaries About Not Working Outside Of Regular Hours, But When A Coworker Asked For Help And She Said No, Big Drama Followed

Source: Reddit/AITA/Unsplash/Evangelina Silina

A little sacrifice never hurt anyone.

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June 24, 2024 at 5:21 pm

His Coworker Thought He Would Be An Easy Mark For An Office ESports Pool, So He Did His Research And He Embarrassed Him In Front Of Everybody

Source: Reddit/Work/Unsplash/Austin Distel

I think there’s always room to celebrate taking an over-confident coworker down a notch!

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June 7, 2024 at 6:30 pm

Co-worker Was Shunned In Her Workplace For Not Believing In The Self-Help Book ‘The Secret’, But Now She Doesn’t Have To Clean Up After Coworkers

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance/Pexels/Cedric Fauntleroy

Toxic workplace alert!

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May 16, 2024 at 3:41 am

They Tattled To Her Boss Because They Didn’t Like Her Ringtone. So,She Changed It And Figured They Should Be Careful What They Asked For

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

I am a “silent or vibrate only” cell phone person.

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May 15, 2024 at 4:49 pm

Coworker Asked To Switch Vacation So They Could Spend Christmas With Their Kids, But She Doesn’t Want To Give Up Her Free Time Just Because She Doesn’t Have Kids


I’d probably do the same thing.

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May 9, 2024 at 3:12 pm

IT Employee Uses “Message From God” To Make Sure His Coworker Never Messes With The Printer Again

Source: Reddit/Pexels

Don’t mess with your I.T. department.

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May 4, 2024 at 4:38 am

A Brown-Nosing Employee Always Took The Seat Next To The Boss, So They Banded Together To Ice Him Out

Source: Reddit/Shutterstock

I love a good streamlined story.

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May 2, 2024 at 11:54 pm

A Couple Of His Coworkers Annoy Him Regularly, So He Makes Sure Their Favorite Snacks Disappear From The Office

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

I can’t stand people like this.

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May 2, 2024 at 2:35 am

Employee Was Answering And Routing Calls For Two Years, Only To Find Out Her Coworker Always Ignored The Phone

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

This woman deserves to answer a few calls.

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