Brother Warns His Sibling About Wife’s Jealousy Toward His Kids, But He Responds By Telling Him To Mind His Business
by Diana Whelan
When family dynamics get complicated, sometimes the lines between helpful advice and overstepping get blurry.
In this case, one brother decided to weigh in on his sibling’s rocky relationship with his fiancée, believing her jealousy toward his kids was a ticking time bomb.
But when the advice wasn’t asked for, things quickly turned sour.
AITA for sharing my opinion with my brother and warning him about his wife unprompted?
My brother (36M) and his wife Emma (35F) have known each other for the best part of 2 decades. They were in the same friend group toward the end of high school and lost touch after graduation for a while, but ended up reconnecting when the larger friend group reconnected.
Then Emma moved away and they lost touch again. In that time my brother got married and had his kids (11M&9F). Emma moved back about 5 years ago and started spending more time with the old friend group, my brother included. Though they didn’t seem to get closer until after the death of one of their shared friends.
My brother’s marriage to the mother of his children was never super great. It only got worse when the kids were no longer babies however and they separated 4 years ago. Their divorce was finalized a little over two years later.
I can see where this is going…
Before the divorce was finalized my brother and Emma started dating. They broke up briefly and got back together but Emma’s attitude toward the kids mom was incredibly negative around the time of the breakup and remained the same after they got back together. Emma and my brother got engaged fast and then my brother’s ex, the kids’ mom, died.
The kids weren’t happy about living with Emma and less so about Emma trying to step into a motherly role for them. They know how she felt about their mom and with her gone the loyalty pull was stronger and the dislike for Emma more intense.
My brother and Emma’s wedding day was a sh*tshow and the kids protested the whole way through which my brother was aware of but he said they’d been okay with Emma before (as in before he dated her) so they were just protesting him being with anyone who wasn’t their mom.
Maybe, maybe not…
Emma is jealous of the kids mom. She’s jealous the kids still love her. She still hates their mom for reasons I don’t know. The kids know she hates their mom and they use it to taunt her. They tell her almost every day, if Emma is to believed, that she’ll never be as good as their mom and they will never love her or accept her because she isn’t good enough.
They compare Emma’s cooking to their moms, they compare the way she decorates, stuff like that. I know they do it. But I also know Emma has kicked up a fuss about the kids keeping their moms things and having them in their bedrooms, as well as having photographs of her. Which if you ask me anything is likely the reason the kids are so quick to compare the way they do.
The household is toxic. Emma’s jealousy of their mom grows and the kids dislike for Emma grows. My brother acts like things are fine and he’s burying his head about the growing issues.
This sounds like a true disaster.
I decided not to ignore it and addressed this with my brother. I told him Emma and the kids are not getting along and her jealousy is going to make his home even more of a living hell than it already is. And I told him I did not think Emma could come back from her jealousy and warned him that she could cost him the kids.
He told me he didn’t ask for my opinion and to mind my own business. AITA?
This always a tricky path to walk.
The general verdict on Reddit: NTA.
This person thinks bro is in denial.
And this person thinks trauma is on the horizon, and it isn’t going to be pretty.
Looks like the brother might’ve had good intentions, but sometimes it’s better to let a trainwreck crash on its own.
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