Couple Made A Delivery Driver Slam On The Brakes To Avoid Hitting Them, But The Couple Claimed He Was The One Was Driving Recklessly
by Jayne Elliott
It’s crazy what people will do to try to get something for free.
In today’s story, a couple almost causes an accident with a catering truck. It seems like they intentionally singled out the catering truck.
Let’s see how the catering company handled the situation…
Crazy entitled couple tries to run our delivery van off the road, then demands free catering!
In late winter/early spring of last year I got a call in from the delivery driver that someone had brake checked them on the main road into town, then sped off.
Luckily it was after delivery was completed, so nothing delicate was onboard.
I take down the plate, vehicle info, all the standard stuff for an incident of road rage.
But before I can finish up the call, the brake-checkers actually called in to our main office.
Here’s how the conversation started…
Before I can complete the standard spiel; they immediately cut me off screaming.
(M: Myself, EW: Entitled Woman, EM: Entitled Man; most of this is paraphrasing, since it’s been a while, and I don’t want to try and dig up the phone recordings, assuming they haven’t been deleted.)
M: “Hello you’ve reached XYZ-Cater-“
The entitled man is very angry.
(Now I know our driver, they are the least aggressive, most careful driver I have ever seen; they regularly deliver precarious items like wedding cakes without so much as disturbing them. If anything, they’re too cautious, not ‘running people off the road.’)
M: “Excuse me sir, but I don’t think our delivery van would have tried to ‘run you off the road’ intentionally, were you perhaps traveling in the vehicle’s blind spot? There are warning signs on the delivery van to avoid lingering in blind spots when the driver signals.”
(This is about as far as I get trying to be diplomatic.)
The man and woman are both furious.
EW: “Why are you defending this driver? This is some min-wage idiot that probably doesn’t even belong in this country!”
EM: “Your driver tried to kill us! And you’re making excuses? This is outrageous!”
M: “Sir, Ma’am; please calm down, I am just trying to get to the bottom of things.”
The woman shocked OP with her request.
EM: “Do you know who I am? I’ll shut your whole operation down, you listen to me, you better be ready to give us some hefty compensation, or we’ll take this to the police and we’ll sue you.”
EW: “We have a party coming up, and if you’d agree to cater it for free, we might let this all go.”
(I have no doubt the look on my face when I heard that out of the woman must have been one of the most exasperated faces I’ve ever made.)
M: Just pausing to try and process this bizarre demand.
OP kept calm…
EM: “Hey, stupid! Did you even hear what my wife was saying, do you speak proper english?!”
(It’s at this point I’ve had enough, I’d put the pieces together as soon as they’d complained about road rage.)
M: “Are you licence plate [abdc 12345], gold 4 door crossover?”
EM: “Are you the [racial slur] driving that big stupid van?”
OP told EM how it was going to go down…
M: “No, but the driver called in you having brake checked them just before you called in.”
EM: “We just tried to stop the driver because he was a danger to everyone on the road!”
M: “Uh-Huh… Well, we will see what the facts are once the vehicle’s camera footage is reviewed. Our delivery vehicle is equipped with 360 degree recording; just let me pull that up…”
OP reviewed the footage.
EM: “Liar, there’s no such thing!”
(Unlucky for him, there is, it’s similar to the 360 degree tesla cam… Unfortunately you can’t pull it up for situational awareness while moving over 20km/h… Thanks whatever safety bean-counter thought that needed to be locked out!)
M: Pulls up the footage from the fleet management software, then proceeds to see the gold car in question not just ‘travel in the blind spot’, they were fully behind the vehicle, then sped up to try and cut it off when the driver turned on the signal to change lanes.
M: “Sir, I can see clearly that your wife in the driver’s seat sped up after the driver signalled intent to change lanes, entering the vehicle’s blind spot. Then, instead of slowing down when the vehicle started to change lanes, you kept trying to push up until you were forced onto the shoulder.”
EW and EM couldn’t argue anymore.
EW: “No, that’s no what hap-”
M: “Don’t interrupt! I can then clearly see you zip into the left lane, overtake the van, merge in front without signaling at an unsafe distance, then slam on you brakes. After reviewing this footage, I think it’s a great idea to get the police involved.”
EW: Sputtering and trying to come up with something to say.
OP contacted the police.
EM: “Hang up the phone, Karen!”
They disconnected the call, and I had a good laugh, then made an online police report.
I’ll bet their insurance premiums will never be the same again.
That’s a crazy story! Imagine trying to cause a catering truck to get into an accident just to get free catering!
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
The couple should’ve known there would be cameras.
This couple probably hates cameras.
Here’s a way the catering company could’ve gotten revenge…
It’s stupid to mess with people who handle your food.
This reader wishes there had been an accident.
Thank goodness there were cameras!
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · cameras, catering, delivery driver, driver, entitled people, picture, police report, reddit, top

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