December 3, 2024 at 2:49 am

A Friend With No Place To Go Moves In Rent Free With Him, But Then Starts Buying Things That Aren’t Essential Instead Of Paying The Bills. Now He’s Afraid To Bring It Up And Harm The Friendship.

by Jayne Elliott

Source: Reddit/Entitled People/Pexels/PNW Production

Living with a friend can sometimes destroy the friendship, especially if the friend doesn’t pay their share of the bills.

In today’s story, a friend tries to help a friend by letting the friend move in rent free, but the friend seems to be completely taking advantage of the situation.

Let’s see why the generous friend regrets letting the friend move in…

Friend tells me how to save money but then wants me to buy them stuff

I let my friend move in because they had nowhere else to go.

This is a lot on me because I should have talked more about what I expected.

I am ok with helping them out but I feel like they just expect me to bankroll them.

The friend orders doordash instead of paying the bills.

I have bought a lot of stuff because they told me “we” NEEd it.

A lot of it yes comes in handy, but we could do without it.

I ask them what they want when i make my grocery order, and so my bill is more than twice what it was when it was just me.

Then they go and order doordash all the time, but they say they don’t have money to help out with expenses.

The friend gives advice…

I am so broke, and my car payment is past due.

They’re telling me, they don’t suggest things for me to do, they basically just tell me this is what you have to do.

Tonight they told me to get cheaper car insurance to save money, they also told me that “we” NEED an expensive tool.

The friend keeps wanting to buy things that aren’t essential.

Well they want to start a furniture flipping business and they would need this tool for that.

And they also said they’re saving all their money to buy a truck because they need that for the furniture flipping business they haven’t even started yet.

They work freelance and they had told me they were paying 350 a month rent in the place they were before, so I thought they would at least be able to contribute a little.

They have bought furniture because they said we needed it, but again while it is good to have what is important right now is being able to pay the bills, and that should come before anything else.

He doesn’t know how to get out of this living situation.

I have a full time very high stress job, and we are very short-handed right now.

I suck at setting boundaries, and this whole situation is horrible for my mental health.

I just want them gone, but they have nowhere to go.

I’m afraid to try to talk to them.

The situation is pretty bad.

There have already been several things in my house that broke or aren’t working since they’ve been here.

I don’t THINK it’s on purpose, but they aren’t gentle and don’t seem to have respect for my stuff.

I feel like they think I’m just going to sacrifice everything else to buy them the stuff they want.

They think they deserve my money and deserve to tell me what I should buy for MY house or for them instead of letting me decide for myself.

They really need to kick the friend out.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted…

The roommates has to go!

Source: Reddit/Entitled People

The direct approach is best.

Source: Reddit/Entitled People

The friend is NOT a friend!

Source: Reddit/Entitled People

Here’s a suggestion for how to get to the friend to move out…

Source: Reddit/Entitled People

Sometimes a roommate who doesn’t pay the bills helps in other ways.

Source: Reddit/Entitled People

This roommate is a mooch not a friend!

It’s past time to set that boundary.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.