Her Friend Won’t Allow Non-Vegan In Her House On Thanksgiving, So She Told Her She Won’t Be Coming Anymore Either
by Matthew Gilligan
Here we go again…
Another day, another story about a vegan person who has to make life difficult for others.
Hey, I’m not saying ALL vegans are like this, but SOME definitely are.
Anyway, enough of my blathering.
Read this story from Reddit and see if you think this woman is being a jerk to her vegan friend.
AITA for telling my vegan friend I don’t want to come over for Thanksgiving Dinner?
“I (54f) have a friend (55f) who went vegan 10 years ago.
We’ve been friends 20 years or more.
We have a large group of friends, 15-20, and there are a few of us that switch off cooking dinner on Thanksgiving for whoever is in town.
Since “Ann” went vegan we’ve always accommodated her dietary restrictions with at the very least some tofurkey, one side dish, and one dessert being strictly vegan.
Uh oh…
This year Ann jumped in early and for the first time ever said she wanted to cook Thanksgiving this year.
Not a problem.
Until she informed us in the group chat dinner will be 100% vegan.
Some of us offered to bring more omnivore offerings, including a turkey and she insisted we eat vegan while at her house.
She declared that vegan food “tastes exactly the same” as omnivore food.
It does not.
I’ve been to her house and choked down bean burgers and chocolate cake and probably a dozen other meals each of which she insisted tasted just like the real thing.
She even tried to fool me once with a beyond burger, insisting is was a regular hamburger.
She had to break the news…
I have only found a limited number of vegan dishes I enjoy and none of them have ever been made by her.
After thinking it over and discussing it with my husband we decided to privately tell her we were bowing out of dinner on Thanksgiving this year.
I told her I wanted turkey, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie that were made with traditional ingredients.
I could have lied and said we had plans to travel to see family but I don’t want lie.
Ann has become angrier and angrier with me since I told her this about a week ago.
Then she went and complained to some of the women in our group about me refusing to attend just because she’s cooking.
Which is sort of true but still made me angry.
So I ended explaining to the other ladies that we all very considerately make vegan dishes just for her at every party and get together any of us throw and it’s really unreasonable for her to insist that I strictly adhere to her dietary choices when I have never demanded the same from her.
So that blew up because all the ladies have now jumped to my way of thinking and decided they will have Thanksgiving at one of their houses instead.
(We will not be attending their Thanksgiving either).
My husband says we probably should have lied about going out of town or at the very least I should have not explained my reasoning to the other ladies.
I’ve decided to stay out of it from here on out but somehow Ann blames me for the whole debacle.
AITA for declining to attend a vegan Thanksgiving?”
Check out what folks said about this story.
This person said she’s NTA.
Another reader shared their thoughts.
This individual chimed in.
Another reader said she’s NTA.
And this individual spoke up.
Some vegans can be so sensitive…
But this one is being completely unreasonable.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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