His Roommate Racked Up A Huge Phone Bill And Refused To Pay It, So He Took The Roommate To Small Claims Court And Won
by Jayne Elliott
In theory, having a roommate is great because you can split the bills, and each person ends up spending a lot less.
In today’s story, the reality is that one roommate refused to pay his share, though.
It got to the point that the roommates even went to court, but that’s far from the end of the story!
Let’s see how the story plays out…
Happened years ago, but still sweet revenge
This incident actually happened back in the early 90’s with my bestie “Brent” at the time.
We were coworkers at American Express, not making much money, but enjoying perks of being in the travel industry.
(For context: Brent was gay, and I’m a straight female so we frequently laughed about both of us being attracted to men!)
Brent’s roommate was horrible!
He was renting a small house, and acquired a roommate for a while.
The roommate turned out to be a freeloading loser, who not only didn’t honor paying his share of the bills, but also ran up a huge phone bill due to calling sleazy 1-900 numbers.
(Does anyone remember those? Before widely available internet, etc.)
Brent took the roommate to court.
Anyway, he refused to pay for the large debt that he created so Brent told him that he needed to move out.
The roommate stormed out, leaving all his possessions there.
Brent filed suit against him in small claims court, and won.
As they were leaving the courthouse, the roommate told Brent “I’m not paying you anything and you can’t keep my stuff either!”
Garage sale for the win!
Brent didn’t keep his stuff: He had a big garage sale, selling ALL of the roommate’s possessions (clothes, electronics, etc.)
He ended up making much more money from that than what he was entitled to from the court case!
Brent definitely got the last laugh!
Good riddance with that roommate!
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
This reader offers a fun imaginary conversation…
Yes, I think this summary is correct.
I wonder if he ever even found out that Brent sold his stuff.
This reader got similar revenge…
That roommate was destined to pay one way or another!
Nothing in life is free.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · best friend, bills, court, garage sale, money, petty revenge, picture, reddit, roommate, top

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