December 29, 2024 at 11:22 am

Truck Driver Lied About Why He Needed To Use A Restricted Road And Ended Up Getting Himself Fired

by Sarrah Murtaza

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance/Pexels/Tobi

Lying can really get you in trouble, that’s why it’s usually better to tell the truth right away.

The man in this story, lied about why he needed to use a logging road, and it ended up being a huge problem for him.

Find out how the story plays out…

Don’t wanna follow the rules of the log haul road? Sure go right on through

For context, I (27F) work for a small, local security company. We mainly do oil/gas and logging roads.

I typically work pipeline security, but I’m between sites at the moment waiting for spring breakup (when the ground starts to thaw and heavy equipment and trucks can’t operate because this is swamp land).

Things at work function a certain way…

Before breakup, they’ve got a 24/7 log haul happening on one of the big logging roads in our area.

Now because of this, traffic going against the log trucks is being restricted by us.

I sit down at the far end of the log road and control who can go through the “wrong way”.

This seems a little annoying…

This is limited to 3 companies and their subcontractors because their sites are close to my end of the road and they don’t interfere with log trucks.

Any company that is in violation of this rule receives a $10,000 fine, and their road use privileges are affected.

In this case, they can still only travel one way on the road once breakup hits and the log haul has to stop, until the logging company says otherwise.

This company has been very frustrating!

One company in particular has been one massive pain this whole time. Let’s call them Stupid Inc, for privacy reasons.

Now Stupid Inc’s site sits about halfway down the log road. They have to go down to the far end of the road and drive the same direction as the log trucks.

Well they don’t bother telling their subcontractors this, so all day every day I’m busy turning these guys away.

One morning last week, this big pickup pulls up, and I ask the usual of “where you headed?”


He gave me the kilometre number of where the site is. Its Stupid Inc.

Only he gives me a different company name, a subcontractor. We’ll call that one Dumb Company.

I informed the guy that he couldn’t go this way.

And he lost it.

Starts cursing and swearing, yelling about how it’s complete crap and I shouldn’t be allowed to do this.

He tells me he’s gone this way down the road plenty of times when he’s not working, and it’s never been an issue.

This guy just brought it upon himself…

The thing is that private users, so just regular people, are technically allowed. Legally speaking we can’t stop them, as roads are public to a degree.

There’s a whole thing that I’m not gunna get into. Private users are allowed to use the road, though we strongly caution against it.

“Alright then I’m a private user and you can’t stop me!”

“You just told me that you’re here for work, but alright, if you say so. You’ve been warned!” And he floors it on down the road.

That’s INSANE!

What followed was a 4 day manhunt.

I immediately notified the road patrol supervisor, as well as road patrol, and my boss.

I was asked questions for 4 days while they tried to identify this guy.

Because he said he was going to work for Stupid Inc, they got hit with the fine. Of course this didn’t go over well with them either.

Next thing I know, the site superintendent is asking me tons of questions about the guy. When I said he worked for Dumb Company, well that didn’t go over well.

He paid the price of his lie…

From my understanding, Dumb Company was at risk of losing the contract they had with Stupid Inc over this. Dumb Company then started digging around, and I heard they found out who it was, and the guy lost his job over it.

The kicker? He wasn’t even working for Stupid Inc that day. The superintendent told me they didn’t have Dumb Company out working on anything.

One of his employees had seen the truck I described way on the other side of Stupid Inc’s site. He hadn’t even stopped there.

As far as anyone knows, he actually was there as a private user. And had he just said as much, none of this would have happened.

YIKES! That sounds like a lot of trouble!

Why didn’t the guy just say that it is was private use?

Let’s check out comments from people on Reddit.

This user doesn’t understand why there was a manhunt.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

That’s right! This user thinks the guy was dumb to lie like that.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

Exactly! This user thought the story would end a different way.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

This user finds this story fascinating.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

This user shares their experience of living and working in Northern Vancouver.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

If he hadn’t lied, he wouldn’t have lost his job!

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.