Truck Driver Parked In A Spot That Was Reserved For Another Driver, But When He Refused To Move His Truck He Ended Up Losing His Job
by Jayne Elliott
Sometimes people who break the rules and do things that are not only against company policy but also illegal find out the hard way that their actions have consequences.
In today’s story, a truck driver parked in a parking spot that another truck driver had reserved and paid for. Instead of moving his truck, he had to deal with the consequences of all the other crimes he had committed.
Let’s learn all the details…
Try to steal my legally rented parking spot? Enjoy being unemployed.
I am a professional driver.
As such, on the roads in the US, there are different truck stops throughout the country that has a “Pay to Park” system, usually about 10-20% of the lot marked off as “Reserved”, with each space running from $15-$25.
The truck stop where this took place had parking for $17, which is relatively cheap, for a guaranteed spot.
The spots are reserved for 24 hours, starting at 4PM local time, and extending to 3PM the following afternoon.
OP talked to the manager and reserved the spot.
I knew that I would have a late night delivery, so I came to the truck stop around 3:30, and paid for a reserve spot.
I told the manager on duty that I had a delivery up the road that night, and would be back, once delivery was completed, but should still be able to clear out the spot by the next afternoon(today).
She told me that this was ok, and she would mark the spot as sold when I left, that way, if someone else comes in trying to reserve that spot, she could consult her notes, and deny the sale.
Someone parked in OP’s reserved spot.
11:15PM rolls around. I take off for my delivery.
I don’t get out of that facility until 2:30 AM the next morning(this morning).
So, I groggily drive back to the truck stop to reclaim my paid for spot, only to find that the reserved parking spaces are ALL full.
I call the manager on duty, and after giving her my info, inform her that all the spots are full, and that someone has parked in a spot and hasn’t paid for it.
An employee knocks on the door of the illegally parked driver.
She sends her other employee out to start checking trucks.
The culprit was from a company that is known for their bright orange trailers, and he was a company driver.
The other employee starts banging on his door to inform him that he is parked illegally, and he has to move.
Meanwhile, I can see the commotion from my mirror, with my vantage point in the fuel island; where I had been instructed to temporarily park.
The driver refuses to move the truck.
The driver answers the door with a bottle of Heineken in one hand, and some sort of smoking implement in another(I know what it is, but for the sake of the mods, I’m not gonna say it).
I decided to roll down the window to hear the commotion, and I hear the employee tell the driver to either move, or he will get the towing company and police involved.
This driver is flat out irate that someone had the audacity to tell him where he can and cannot park, so he slams the door on the employee, threatening him.
Employee calls the police and tow company, and the police show up first.
The driver was in BIG trouble!
I had worked for this company before, so I know their policies, and more importantly, what they can and cannot have in their trucks.
Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the cab. Anything that isn’t a cigarette or a cigar and a lighter; also not allowed. The coup de Grace; a pew-pew, of any kind, absolutely not allowed, and especially not allowed loaded.
This driver had all that, and some other not so legal substances in his cab, so he was hauled away in cuffs.
His truck was hauled away on a wrecker.
OP called the company the driver worked for…
I made a call after the commotion died down to the company safety director, and informed them that their rig will be in an impound lot, and their driver is going to jail over the not so legal stuff he had in his truck.
She thanked me, and said that he will definitely lose his job, especially over the alcohol and the other not so legal stuff.
I guess he played the “screw around and find out” card, and it bit him in his career.
That driver really should’ve moved his truck! The consequences for his actions were pretty intense but well deserved.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
This reader loves the revenge.
Another reader is glad OP called the company.
It’ll be hard for the driver to find another job.
Safety is super important.
This reader doesn’t think the driver will ever find another job.
All he had to do was move his truck!
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · parking spot, picture, police, pro revenge, reddit, reserved, top, truck driver

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