Annoying Video Game Player Demanded This Guy Change His Player Name, So He Did But Picked The Funniest Possible Alternative
by Heide Lazaro
Bullies exist even in online video games.
This guy shares a story about an annoying online gamer who would spam and “harass” new players on the game.
So, he decided to play with him and even made a deal.
He lost the deal and had to change his game name.
So he did, but with a funny, annoying name to insult the bully.
Read the story below and find out.
Player, change your name!
So this was years ago, back when we were playing Quake II deathmatch over our 56k connections.
Whenever you first installed Quake II, your online player name was defaulted to “Player.”
You could always tell when someone had first bought the game or had a fresh install.
As they were running around with the gamertag “Player.”
An annoying player kept telling new gamers to change their name.
Most people would politely point out that you could change it in Options.
Except for this one kid. We’ll call him “Q2BadPunk”.
So, we’re playing on this public server.
And every time a person joined with the name Player, Q2BadPunk was the first to jump up
And start with, “Player, change your name.”
“Hey Player, don’t you know that you can change your name?”
“Dude, change your name.”
He would spam and annoy them non-stop.
And if the person didn’t comply, he started getting loud.
Just constantly with this.
People started calling him out for spamming, and being a nuisance.
He scoffs and starts getting mouthy.
So, this guy gave in to his game.
So I log off, changed my name to “Player,” and got back on the server.
Sure enough, he starts in on me. “Hey Player, change your name!”
“Why not? It’s easy! Just go to Options and change your name.”
“Nah, I’m good.”
“Why won’t you change your name?”
“I like Player. I’m going to keep it.”
He offered Q2BadPunk a deal.
“Dude, just change your name! PLAYER, CHANGE YOUR NAME!”
On and on, for the next few minutes, I try to rationalize with him why I want to keep the name Player.
So I finally said, “I’ll tell you what. If you can off me, I’ll change my name.
They were playing for a while, but he hadn’t been offed yet.
So for the next 15 minutes, we’re running around.
I off him a bunch of times.
He gets a few good hits on me, but he doesn’t take me down.
I can tell he’s getting frustrated.
I wind up getting into this one hairy fight, make it out alive, but I’m low on health.
As I’m running around trying to get my health back up, I round a corner, and there he is.
Finally, he was done for.
I get a face full of double-barreled shotgun, full force.
Boom, I go down.
“Hahaha! I offed you! Now, change your name!”
“Ok, you got me fair and square. A deal is a deal.”
He changed his name to an even more annoying one.
So I went into Options.
And changed my name to: Q2BadPunk_Sucks
The server chat erupts in LOL’s and Hahaha’s.
Only to be peppered with a few “OH, THAT’S REAL MATURE” and “YOU’RE A JERK”.
And a subsequent logoff.
Let’s check out the comments of other people to this story.
Here’s another genius idea from this user.
This one shares a gaming trick.
How about changing it to “Player 2?”
People are being creative.
Finally, this one describes it as a trip down memory lane.
What a classic way of trolling the troll.
There’s always one.
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