January 21, 2025 at 1:15 pm

Bad Boss’ Chip Ban Has Workers Finding A Loophole By Eating The Competitor’s Product Instead

by Laura Ornella

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance/Pexels/ELEVATE

Perks at a job are important, even if they’re small and crunchy ones.

Some bosses just can’t figure that out, and it ends up biting them in the rear at an inopportune moment.

Read how one Redditor recalls a bad boss revoking the team’s regular snack – and how they fix it.

A story about chips

A long time ago, I worked weekends in a warehouse that received chips in bulk (think like one truck shows up all one flavor).

Workers loaded up other trucks with the orders going to individual stores.

So, think of pallets of chips in boxes stacked 30 feet up, and trucks in docks being loaded up with a mix of chips of all flavors going out to convenience stores and grocery stores.

This meant that sorting needed to be done.

Our job as “pickers” is to push around a large cart and pick boxes of chips of all flavours as we go around the warehouse.

Then, we load out order into the truck and go to the next order and so on.

But of course, in a chip factory — there will be burst bags.

When we dropped a box and a bag burst open, well we would eat it.

There would always be at least a couple open bags we could munch on at the warehouse.

I only worked weekends.

During the week, a lot of things would happen, and I would only find out about changes the next weekend.

And after one particular week, bad news was given.

One weekend I show up, and we are not allowed to eat chips anymore!!!

Apparently, a new manager was hired, and he was on a power trip and told the guys, “the next person I see eating our chips will be fired for theft of company property.”

This boss’ power trip made zero financial sense.

This seemed to me to be a little ridiculous, as they would also make us compact hundreds of cases of chips when they came to be too close to their expiry date (like less than 6 weeks).

There was a lot of waste, so for them to get on our case for eating a measly bag of chips was a little infuriating.

Anyway, I don’t need to tell you that the guys were mad about this, and morale was low that weekend.

Next weekend, I come back in.

The guys let me know that the manager is in a super bad mood.

But then the workers got to thinking…

The workers devised a plan to get back at the manager.

They would buy chips from our main competitor brand and eat that competitor’s brand of chips as they worked.

And here’s the loophole they came up with.

They argued to management that, since it was from another brand, they could not get in trouble for theft, as it was 100% certain the chips had been purchased with their own money.

Now, the management of the warehouse was appalled by the fact that we were all munching on the competition’s goods but there was nothing they could do about it.

Finally, management “resolved” it in the most obvious way possible.

It took a few weeks for this situation to get resolved, but the way they “fixed it” in the end is that the managers would put a sticker on some bags for us to eat.

In the end, we would be allowed to munch on the company products once the bags had been “approved” to be eaten by management.

So then, it was not considered theft anymore, and we were able to resume eating from the company stock.

Is Reddit savoring this malicious compliance?

Let’s read the comments below to find out.

Some people had experience with factories who did things right.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

Others knew friends who had the lowdown on the ol’ dumpster dive.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

Some Redditors had puns…

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

Oh, did they have puns.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

This boss has his priorities skewed — and perhaps a chip on his shoulder.

He’s definitely not the life of the company holiday party.

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.