Best Buy Worker Called Out The Company’s Credit Cards Because Of Problems A Customer Had Trying To Buy Headphones
by Matthew Gilligan
You know things aren’t necessarily great when a person calls out the company they work for…
But that’s what happened here, friends!
A Best Buy worker named Dallas posted a video on TikTok and sounded off against the company’s credit cards.
Dallas told viewers, “The very first customer of the day today came in and purchased a screen protector and a case on his [Best Buy] credit card and had no issue doing so. It was $114. It went through.”
He continued, “Ten minutes later though, the same customer came up to me and wanted to purchase Bose Quiet Comfort Ultra headphones on that same card except this time, it declined three separate times. I checked his balance and he had $3,338 available.”
Dallas had to call a bank representative and said, “After a couple of minutes, super quickly, she goes, ‘okay, what’s the card number again?’’’
Dallas continued, “I started reading it off and she goes, ‘okay, give me just a minute.’ Then, like, 30 seconds later, she comes back and says, ‘One of those numbers was wrong. It didn’t work.’”
He added, “She started reading it and got to a point where it was wrong, I said, ‘It’s wrong. That’s not the right number.’”
The woman on the other end of the line eventually got the number right and she wanted to speak with the customer. Strangely, the woman asked the customer if she was really talking to a Best Buy employee.
The customer was annoyed and said, “This is ridiculous. Why does it have to be such a process to use my card?’”
Dallas said, “I just straight-up hung up on her. The customer was, like, ‘I’m glad you did that. I just won’t buy them’ and left.”
Check out the video.
@dallas_ponzo The experience wasn’t quiet nor comfortable
And here’s how folks reacted on TikTok.
This viewer spoke up.
Another TikTokker asked a question.
And this individual chimed in.
Sounds like a real pain in the neck.
If you liked that story, check out this one about a 72-year-old woman was told by her life insurance company that her policy was worthless because she’d paid for 40 years. 🙁
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