Disabled Man Consistently Loans His Broke Friend Money, But Now They Want To Draw The Line After A String Of Family Tragedies Plague Him
by Laura Ornella
Money loans can be tricky to navigate with friends and family.
One Redditor probes the community for advice after a string of bad luck plagues his broke friend. He has helped the friend out before by loaning him money, but it never seems to be enough.
Read the story below for all the details.
AITA I refused to keep loaning a roommate money for dress clothes for a funeral
I’m 38-year-old physically disabled male currently living in a group home until I can regain my mobility and independence.
Over the past year or so, I’ve developed a friendship with another resident who isn’t great at managing their money.
But this friend was there for his hard-up pal.
I’m the type of guy who likes helping people and people go to seeking advice or at least support.
Over that time, I loaned him about $600. He’d make some payments but often ask for that amount back within a week.
I eventually put my foot down and stopped loaning him money.
Unfortunately, bad times struck hard — and the buddy needed more money to get by.
Then one of his three daughters was killed, then the second died from an illness.
I gave him more money in loans and gifts to help him with these extraordinary times.
I probably loaned him about $150 and gave him $100 for travel to see his family and help with a headstone and flowers.
A week ago, his last remaining daughter’s son died of COVID, and I gave him another $110 loan for travel and funeral expenses, but he still wants more.
But this isn’t an easy feat for this man, considering he’s currently on a budget.
I’m on fixed income right now and will probably be for at least the next year and a half.
I’ve basically written this money off in my mind, but I feel I can’t just keep throwing money to him.
Right now, he wants money for dress clothes or says he won’t go to his grandson’s services.
And these money troubles have extended to more than just these two…
It’s tearing his daughter up, and it feels like the emotional blackmail he’s used against me before when he keeps telling me a true friend would help.
My family say I’m in the right cutting him off but it hurts my heart. I just need people unconnected to the situation to give me their opinion.
Thank you all for reading this and your thoughts.
Does Reddit think this man has been over-generous? Let’s read the comments below to find out.
Some Redditors questioned if this broke buddy was honest.
Others thought proof was necessary.
Commenters warned of this so-called friend’s motives with money.
And others thought his true colors had been shown by his last request for clothes.
This man seems like he isn’t being completely honest about his family situation.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, bad friend, friendship, manipulative friend, money loan, picture, reddit, top, viral

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