January 25, 2025 at 1:15 pm

His Wife Wants Him To Share A Hotel Room With Her Sister-in-Law On A Trip, But He Just Refuses To Agree

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

I don’t know how this woman thought this might be a good idea, but here we are, friends!

And I don’t blame this guy one bit for how he reacted to this story he posted on Reddit.

Let’s see what’s going on here…

AITA for not agreeing to share a hotel room in Vegas with my sister-in-law?

“My wife (38F) and I (38M) are your average busy parents with stressful jobs and stressful kids. Dena has two best friends, Shana and Samantha, who live in different states.

Last month Shana asked my wife if she wanted to run a half marathon in Vegas.

When Dena brought up going to Vegas I said half-jokingly that I had never been to Vegas and she can’t go twice before I had gone once.

She asked if I meant it. I said yes.

So she was like ok I guess we can work it out. Samantha and Dena’s sister ended up going too.

I later backed out not wanting to be third wheel to a girl’s trip.

A few days after I backed out my wife found out Samantha’s husband Jim is going and asked if I still want to go. I excitedly agreed.

Then he got the news…

A week later my wife asks me “Hey you’re ok with sharing a room with my sister, right?”

I said “No I’m not ok with sharing a room. Why would we share a room?”

She explained that we would share a room with her sister to help save her and us some money.

Apparently Shana was going to share a room with Samantha and Jim.

I said “Every single person going on this trip makes six figures other than your sister. Why would we share a room to save money? Why doesn’t Shana share a room with your sister? Why would we give up our privacy to save money?”

What the hell…?

My wife was not having it and we fought over it but didn’t resolve anything.

The more I thought about it the more it upset me.

We don’t go on enough dates.

We’ve never been away from our kids for more than one night.

Why would she feel ok with removing any chance at intimacy during a 4 day trip away from the kids?

A week later I asked her thoughts on our Vegas trip.

She explained that we wouldn’t be spending any time in our room together anyway.

Her last girls trip they never spent any time in their rooms.

They only used their rooms to crash.

This is a girl’s trip and Jim coming along meant I would have someone for me but it didn’t change that this was a girl’s trip.

I argued that having our own room and privacy doesn’t change the trip at all.

Not sharing a room wouldn’t change the dynamics of the trip but it would at least create the opportunity for there to be intimacy between us and that that was important to me.

She put her foot down.

Again she wasn’t having any of it.

During the argument my wife admitted that she had agreed to share a room before she had even asked me.

She said someone had suggested it in their text thread and she replied “I don’t care”.

We didn’t talk for a couple days after that fight.

When we warmed back up to each other she told me that she had told the group we wouldn’t be sharing a room any longer.

She thinks I am the ******* because I forced my will on her.

I think she is the ******* because she agreed to share a room without consulting me, tried to sell me on why that was ok, and ignored the importance of intimacy in our relationship.


Here’s what folks had to say.

This reader thinks everyone in this story sucks.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another individual said he’s to blame.

Source: Reddit/AITA


This Reddit user chimed in.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another individual said he was an *******.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And this person agreed.

Source: Reddit/AITA

That doesn’t sound like much fun…

For either of them, at this point.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.