Husband Tells His Pregnant Wife That He’s Working More Hours So It’s Basically Like They’re Both Pregnant. Now She’s Giving Him The Silent Treatment.
by Jayne Elliott
Pregnancy truly takes a toll on a woman’s body. While some people have more side effects than others, it’s not uncommon to deal with morning sickness, swollen feet, and so much more.
The husband in today’s story doesn’t seem to have any compassion for his pregnant wife, and he finally realizes that he might’ve said the wrong thing.
Let’s see how the story unfolds…
AITA for telling my wife that we’re BOTH pregnant?
I know this sounds bad, but hear me out. I’m using a throwaway cuz my wife uses reddit, so please don’t upvote this. I just want honest feedback.
My wife (29f) and I (27m) do well financially, so we decided to have our fourth child.
Every single pregnancy we’ve been through my wife has been a complete nightmare.
Some things I can deal with, like waking up to the sound of her puking her guts out every morning, but when she starts demanding I go to the store every day to get her snacks or set up her foot bath thingy because her feet are swollen, I get a little impatient.
This is how they split up the household chores…
I work way longer hours than her in a much more physically demanding profession (I’m a plumber, she’s an engineer) so I think we’re putting an equal amount of effort into this baby.
And it’s not like I don’t help around the house, either.
She does all the cooking and dishes, but I do laundry, take out garbage, and mow the lawn (we pay someone to do the floors and bathrooms weekly).
My MIL comes over to help with the kids because she says I’m useless (ive been meaning to make a justnomil post about her), and while I appreciate the help I’m sick of her garbage.
A “joke” pushed his wife over the edge.
Just because I want one hour of video games to myself a day instead of cleaning up messes in the kitchen doesn’t mean I’m “useless”.
This all came to head yesterday when my wife screamed at me from the kitchen to get off my butt and entertain our twins so she could focus on her meatloaf.
I made a dumb joke about how this is the third meatloaf we’ll be eating this week, and she. lost. her. mind.
This guy seems clueless.
She told me how I have no sympathy for the fact that she’s pregnant, I should be taking on more of her chores since I can’t breastfeed.
But then I reminded her that I still work a lot more hours than her, so I think we’re basically both pregnant.
She got really quiet, and has only spoken to me regarding the kids since.
I don’t think I’m wrong but I’ll apologize to her if it makes her happy. AITA here?
I think he has no idea how exhausting, physically demanding and downright uncomfortable it is to be pregnant. No, he is not pregnant just because he’s working as much as ever while his wife also works just as much as ever, takes care of their kids and literally grows another child inside her.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted…
This reader points out just how messed up this husband’s thinking is.
Another reader paraphrases the husband’s rant.
I feel bad for his wife.
This reader calls the husband selfish.
He needs to appreciate what his wife is going through.
This clueless dad needs a reality check.
If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.

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