IT Guy’s Under-Performance Results In Him Being Fired After His Pride Caused Him To Lash Out At A Coworker For Helping Out
by Laura Ornella
When someone offers to help you at your job — take it.
I mean, if you need it, that is.
This Redditor’s coworker definitely did need it, but didn’t ask – so learn from their firsthand experience here.
Read the post below to find out more.
Do my job and my job only? Sure!
In 2003-2004, I worked for a call center in Idaho, and I was hired from off the call floor into the facilities department alongside the IT guy.
Think primary role facilities with a junior role in IT.
I didn’t care for the facility role, so in my spare time, I dove into the IT side as much as possible and did work on behalf of the IT guy to keep the issues at a minimum for the IT guy.
Eventually, the IT guy started complaining that I was doing his job (although that was the deal when I was hired, and I was keeping up on my facilities work and the IT work).
One day, I was up on the call floor imaging a section of PCs because the IT guy bailed on me after he threw a fit over something (I can’t remember what).
This day, there happened to be an executive on-site, and she asked the site manager why the Facilities guy was doing IT work.
I was told to only work on facilities issues.
Cue MC.
All of my work from that day forward came in the form of a ticket.
No ticket, no work. 75% of the time, I was chilling in my office watching a movie while the IT guy was busting his ***.
Turns out, they needed my help but wouldn’t let me.
Eventually, the IT guy was let go for under performance, and I moved into the role full time.
Had the guy not complained about me helping, he may have kept his job.
One Redditor mentioned “pride” as the real issue.
Another reader was baffled why anyone would deny the free help to begin with.
And finally, a commenter said what many may have been thinking…
This is the prime example of work smarter not harder — and this worker failed at it.
Pride goes before the fall etc etc.
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bad coworker, fired, IT guy, picture, post, reddit, tech, top, unemployed

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