Mom Wanted No Electronics During Family Time Until, But She Eventually Got Exhausted Waiting Hours To Get Back To Work On Her Laptop
by Sarrah Murtaza
Sometimes some actions and words can really bite us back!
This mom simply wanted to spend some quality time with her family, but she didn’t really think it through when she made a rule banning electronics.
Check out the full story!
My mom tired to implement a rule that made her stay up later than she wanted
Since my mom is at work all day me and my dad and brother spend a lot of time together, if you couldn’t tell, and when 9 pm rolls around I am officially allowed to ignore everyone.
My room is my sometimes safe place where my dad and brother understand I like to be left alone, my mother acknowledges that but doesn’t seem to like it very much.
So last week on Monday my dad told me that Sunday night my mom wanted ALL electronics turned off for 2 hours EVERY night with no accusations.
Nobody else like the idea.
I was VERY unhappy, and so was my brother and my dad wasn’t crazy about it either, with this cause this time had no other purpose than to be ‘family time’ that I already got ALL DAY.
I knew where she was coming from and an hour a day every other day would be cool to play board games and charades or cards, I’d love that since my dad hates to play games like that (especially Uno) cause he doesn’t always win and he can’t be mad at his kids and wife, but every night for 2 hours would cause problems everywhere.
Things weren’t falling in place…
My dad works from home where he sits in front of his work computer waiting for either a meeting or an email about something going wrong that never comes, my brother likes to play games and music on his phone and watches tv with our pet bunny, and she likes to go to sleep as soon as she checks our chore list and does her calls and charting for tomorrow.
I wanted to voice an objection but couldn’t as I had been raised to let adults make these decisions and let them handle it if something went wrong, so I did.
It got worse!
My mom came home that night happy to start the family time at almost 8 pm, I had my phone upstairs charging and so did my brother and dad, we played The game of Life 3 times before my dad got fed up and we were looking for another game when at 8:45 my mom wanted to do her work, my dad quickly shut that down saying it wasn’t 9.
She nodded and we played until we finished charades at 9:02.
The days kept going on…
Tuesday was roughly the same with the rare Uno game and another game my auto correct won’t let me spell but it’s a long game where you have live like a farmer.
Wednesday my mom was drinking her wine looking at the oven clock (we don’t have wall clock cause we have phone lol) and was counting the seconds before she could get to work and get to bed.
I felt bad on Thursday cause it sounded like she had a pretty rough day and we only played Go fish and colored pictures.
She does seem pretty hypocritical about this rule.
Friday she almost got into a screaming fit cause she wanted to just do her work and go to bed and me and my dad said she wanted this, even my brother told her she could do her work if we could get on our phones, I was seriously getting upset at this point cause she was being a huge hypocrite about it.
On Saturday I was on the kitchen futon (we have that instead of chairs or a bench) with my phone out, my dad on his computer, and my brother on his phone in his room with the bunny, my mom came in the door and made dinner before getting on her computer and acting like the rule never existed.
He isn’t sure why mom wanted such strict rules…
I would have felt much worse if she was going to bed at 12 or even 11 but she was always done my 9:45, 10 at the latest.
The worst part to me is we do hang out at night, she doesn’t work on weekends and my and my brother play and hang out with her when we can and she gets my dad to herself at night, it’s not like we never talk to her.
YIKES! That rule clearly didn’t last long!
Why couldn’t they just spend time together when they were all free?
Let’s find out what folks on Reddit have to say about this one.
This user thinks the mom has a lot on her plate…
That’s right! This user thinks the arrangement wasn’t a healthy one.
This user thinks family time should also have a limit!
Quality time is good, but that rule was meant to be broken!
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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