Neighborhood Cats Invade Bird-Friendly Yard, Leaving Homeowner Wondering If They Should Trap The Cats And Send Them To The Humane Society
by Heather Hall
Some people see their yard as an open space, but for others, it’s their own private sanctuary.
Especially when it’s carefully maintained and filled with wildlife.
So, what do you do when neighborhood cats start hunting the birds you’ve invited into your garden?
Do you talk to your neighbors and risk conflict?
Or take matters into your own hands and deal with the fallout later?
In today’s story, a frustrated homeowner considers trapping the neighborhood cats and can’t decide if it’s a good idea or not.
Here’s what’s going on.
WIBTA for trapping all the neighborhood cats that come into my yard?
I live in a suburban neighborhood where everyone is on a lot about 1/5 of an acre.
I’m still relatively new (just hit one year) to the neighborhood and only know a couple of my neighbors.
The few I know I’m on good terms with.
When I moved in, I noticed that there are around 5 cats that are constantly going through our yard.
They don’t cause any damage to anything other than eating a lot of the birds (blue birds, cardinals, robins, finches, sparrows, etc.).
I’ve seen the cats fishing babies out of the birdhouses I’ve put up:'(.
I spend a large amount of time gardening, and I really enjoy seeing the birds at my feeders.
I want to trap my neighbors’ cats and drop them off at the shelter because they just let their pets roam free, but I feel really bad about it because I also love cats.
I have two cats, but I never let them outside.
Here’s how it all boils down.
My HOA also doesn’t allow pets to roam free, but they’re pretty lax (for better or worse).
I know who one of the cats belongs to, and I feel like talking to this neighbor is the right way to handle it.
However, they’ve been in the neighborhood longer than I have, and their cat has probably been touring the neighborhood for its whole life.
I also feel like if I talk to them, then everybody else’s cats start disappearing, word will get around that it’s me.
Trapping the cats probably won’t end well for this person.
Let’s see what the folks over at Reddit have to say about this issue.
As this person points out, if you love your cat, you’ll keep track of them.
Agree! This definitely won’t make them friends in the neighborhood.
According to this comment, the cats will not live long outside, so they should go to the humane society.
Here’s someone who suggests starting with the HOA.
The HOA needs to step up here.
If they won’t, it’s time to explore other ways to keep the cats out of the yard.
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, bad hoa, birds, hoa, human society, new neighbors, outdoor cat, picture, reddit, stray cats, top, yard

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