Uncle Purchased The Gifts That His Nieces Asked For, But When One Of Them Changed Her Mind And Wants Something Different He Doesn’t Know What To Do With Them
by Michael Levanduski
Buying Christmas gifts for children can be a lot of fun when you get to watch them open it up with such joy.
What would you do if your niece told you what she wanted, but after you got it for her, she changed her mind?
That is what happened to the Uncle in this story, and he’s not sure if he should give her what he already purchased or not.
Let’s find out why he’s so conflicted about what to do.
WIBTA if I purposely didn’t get my niece what she wanted for Christmas?
I have 3 nieces, Alice (14), Olivia (11) and Ella (8).
2 weeks ago, I went to visit them.
I told them that I was going to be shopping for their Christmas presents soon, and asked them each in turn what they would like me to get them (they prefer to ask for specific things rather than get surprises).
They will have a great Christmas.
The eldest two, Alice and Olivia, both gave me short lists of things they wanted.
Ella just said she wanted “Stitch stuff.” (as in Lilo and Stitch.)
She didn’t have any specific ideas, just Stitch-themed merchandise in general.
So I went out and bought all their presents.
For Alice and Olivia I chose a few specific things from their lists.
These sound like great gifts.
I got Ella a few Stitch themed things including a paint-your-own Stitch figure, a pack of Stitch themed fruit scented lip glosses and a snuggly Stitch blanket for her bed.
Today, I went round to visit the girls again.
I mentioned how I’m glad I’ve finished my Christmas shopping, and Olivia asked whether I had got her the heatless hair curling set she asked for.
I said “maybe, maybe not, you’ll have to wait and see!” (For the record, I have indeed got it for her.)
Ella didn’t remember what she asked for.
Ella overheard this conversation and said “I want you to get me a heatless curler too!”
So I said “sorry Ella, you’re a bit late, I’ve already bought all your Christmas presents!”
She then asked what I had got her, and I said Stitch stuff.
At that, she looked annoyed and said “What?! I don’t want Stitch stuff!”
I said “Last time I was here I asked you what you wanted and you said Stitch stuff, so that’s what I’ve got you.”
Kids will say anything to get what they want in the moment.
She replied “No I didn’t!” (She definitely did, because I wrote it down there and then, and her sisters helped me think of a few Stitch things she might like.)
I was half expecting this because Ella has a habit of changing her mind about what she wants, weeks after she has already asked for something and I’ve already bought her presents.
It was par for the course when she was little, but now she’s 8 and I do feel she ought to know better by know.
I really don’t need the hassle of returning all the stuff I’ve bought (that’s already wrapped and under the tree) and getting her something else, but I do kinda feel bad for her.
WIBTA for sticking to my guns and giving her the Stitch stuff even though she now apparently doesn’t want it?
Yes, she has to learn eventually.
Would it be a good idea to help her learn the lesson that she has to be sure when she asks for things and can’t just change her mind with no notice?
Or am I being too harsh on an 8 year old?
I’m sure these aren’t the only gifts she will get this year, so I would say just give them to her and hopefully, she’ll think things through next year.
Read on to see what other people in the comments think about the situation.
This person says kids often want what other people have.
Exactly, kids are always changing their minds.
She can ask someone else for the other gift she wants.
Here is some good advice.
This mom says to just give her the Stich gifts.
Kids are constantly changing their minds.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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