Woman Calls Cops After Neighbor’s Boyfriend Blocks Her Driveway With His Oversized Truck, But Now She’s Wondering If She Was Wrong
by Heather Hall
Dealing with parking problems can be frustrating, especially when it feels like your space isn’t being respected.
So, what would you do if a neighbor’s guest repeatedly blocked access to your already tight driveway despite being politely asked to stop? Would you park somewhere else? Or would you take action to make sure it doesn’t happen again?
In today’s story, one woman deals with this exact scenario and isn’t sure if she handled it the right way. Here’s what happened.
AITA for calling the cops on a neighbours boyfriend for parking in front of my house?
I moved in with my boyfriend a year ago, and we live in a duplex. Our immediate neighbours have the larger driveway with two spots, and we have only one. The two are connected as one which makes our spot a very tight squeeze.
Recently, one of our neighbours has had their boyfriend staying with them most nights during the week. However, he drives a large truck and has taken to parking directly outside of our home. He cut off some of the entry to our driveway, making it difficult for me to park my car in the already tight spot.
I have left a note hoping he could just pull up further onto the street as there is lots of room to move up. The note read, “Hello, would you mind pulling up some? It’s becoming difficult to park in my driveway.”
Upset about the note, he took up even more of the driveway.
This seemed to tick him off as I came home last night to him blocking most of my driveway, making parking impossible without hitting his or the neighbours vehicle.
I’m unable to speak with him directly as I work nights, and he is gone when I wake up for work. This is where I might be wrong.
I had a particularly annoying day at work and came home to this issue, so I decided to call the cops to have them deal with the situation. My street is a one way with the immediate front of my home being only 3-hour parking.
He received a ticket and took it out on her boyfriend.
He received a ticket and had choice words for my boyfriend in the morning about it. My boyfriend thinks I’m wrong, as I could’ve just parked on a side street for the night and dealt with it a different way.
I disagree as I have already tried to deal with it in a different way, and nothing good has come of it.
I am the only one with a car at the moment so I don’t think he quite understands the frustration.
Wow! That guy has some nerve, but her BF made it even worse.
Let’s check out what the readers over at Reddit have to say about her decision.
This person suggests they keep using the legal system if needed.
Here’s someone who also understands the boyfriend’s side of it.
As this person points out, you can’t let people push you around.
Great point.
This guy sounds terrible.
If calling the cops doesn’t work, she should try speaking with her neighbor directly.
Surely, she can make her boyfriend park better when he’s over.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, bad neighbor, blocked driveway, entitled guy, parking spot, parking ticket, picture, reddit, top

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