February 3, 2025 at 7:15 am

Annoying CEO Micromanages Her Employees And Criticizes Them When They Do Something Different, So The CEO’s Assistant Gets Revenge Via A Time Tracking App

by Jayne Elliott

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Shutterstock

Some bosses trust that their employees are human beings capable of getting their work done.

Other bosses nitpick everything their employees do and and constantly look over their shoulders to make sure they’re working hard instead of hardly working.

In today’s story, a boss even tries to micromanage her employees when they’re working from home during the pandemic, but the boss’s assistant finds a clever way to get her to back off.

Let’s see how the story unfolds.

If you want to track our time down to the minute, that’s exactly what we’re going to do.

Efficiency was everything in my office.

To a fault.

When we were in the office before the pandemic, it was an open concept and pretty small so my boss would literally do his work with us and constantly ask us if we were done.

The entire day.

The CEO was even micromanaging when she was in another country.

I was basically the CEO’s assistant (small company) and would do everything for her. Coffee, reports, meetings with clients.

Whatever she didn’t want to do, she chucked over to me while she went gallivanting around the country.

But since she loved to keep tabs on us, she’d send messages nearly every single hour asking for a progress report on tasks, screenshots, and what have you.

Drove us all absolutely mad.

The CEO was really particular.

Drove me especially mad considering I was doing all her dirty work.

She had me doing a million things a day and would get viciously upset if things weren’t done to her ‘standard’.

“Why didn’t you say THIS during the meeting, OP?” “Couldn’t you have done this instead, OP?” “You can’t be this much an idiot, OP.”

Working from home during the pandemic wasn’t any easier.

And then the pandemic happened, and things got pretty bad.

All of us had to shift to a WFH routine, which was nice for a bit while we were all getting settled.

Pretty quiet, even.

Until my boss started trying to track us through endless Slacks and emails.


The boss loved OP’s idea.

So, I had an idea.

There’s this very cool time tracking website that tracks timing and tasks.

I proposed the idea to her and worded it in a way that she’d be happy with.

“With this website, you don’t have to keep track of us manually at all! You can just let us track our time and tasks and see what we do from there, and you can relax.”

“Oo, I like that. You know what, OP? You’re right. Let’s do it. I’ll sign up and I want everyone to track every single task down to the minute. I want complete accuracy and I want you all to compile it at the end of the week so I have the proof that everything is being done – and done RIGHT.”

“Sure thing.”

Here’s how the tracking went…

We tracked every single thing. Down to the minute too, as she said.

9.01AM: clocking in

9.04AM: getting coffee

9:05AM: waiting for the keurig to dispense the coffee

9:10AM: drinking the coffee

9:12AM: starting on report for client 83

9:49AM: toilet break due to coffee

9:57AM: washing hands (with soap)

9:59AM: back to work

10:05AM: call with client 78

10:09AM: getting another cup of coffee while on the phone with client 78

10:11AM: sneezed

10:11AM: got a tissue

10:15AM: call with client ended

10:18AM: started work on other report

The time tracking revenge worked.

I think it goes without saying that she stopped tracking anything we did by the second week.

Yeah, sure, it was difficult for a while, lol. But it was worth it to get her off our backs.

Last I heard, she was still micromanaging, just not as bad as it used to be. Yay.

Having to track every second of your work day sounds miserable and like a waste of time.

Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story.

Yes, the time tracking should’ve included these updates too.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another reader expected her to document something else.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

The higher ups clearly didn’t think this idea through.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Sounds like this boss’s fail worked in the employees’ favor.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Bosses seriously don’t need to know every update.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This micromanaging boss got exactly what she wanted!

Maybe she’ll figure things out eventually.

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.