February 7, 2025 at 11:23 pm

Employee Kept Doing Annoying Things Like Mispronouncing Common Names, So The Caller Decided To Waste His Time Next Time They Were On The Phone Together

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Shutterstock

We all have bad days at work, right?

Sure, we do!

But there’s no doubt that some people bring these bad days on themselves

That’s what happened to the guy in this story from Reddit, but the person who wrote it got some nice petty revenge on someone who was making work more difficult than it needed to be.

Take a look!

James had a bad day at work.

“Part of my job involves calling a specific company several times a week to make sure they have correct information on files for our members.

Usually the calls are pretty straight forward and take just 5-10 minutes.

This sounds very annoying.

I called a few months ago and ended up with James ID number XXXX and he was one of those know it alls who makes life difficult for everyone.

I’d give an ID number and the member’s name and he’d sigh and change the way the name was pronounced.

William Smithe and he’d pronounce the last e.

Bane Johnstone and he’d pronounce the last e.

It was so annoying he had to take a break to cool down after the call.

He thought he was very smart but really how annoyingly wrong can you be? Then when I’d tell him what I needed to update he’d rephrase it into the exact same thing.

So annoying.

Really if you don’t like your job that much then find something else to do. The phone call that should have taken 10 minutes took 35 and at the end I had to walk away from my desk to cool down.

This morning I called and got James ID number XXXX and this is where the games began.

Time for payback.

I made him repeat things over and over again, gave him wrong numbers ‘that didn’t come up in my system’.

Oops sorry, its this number.

I made him wait while I check my computer for things (that were on a notepad in from of me so I didn’t really need to check a single thing).

He’d type in notes and then I’d apologize and change the information.

Sounds like this might happen again.

He was mad and you could hear it in his voice but I was sweet as anything and didn’t change my way of communicating at all.

At the end of the call when he asked if there was anything else I needed I said ‘No James you were so much more helpful this call than the last time we spoke’ and hung up.

Was I on the phone much longer than needed. You betcha.

So worth it.

Can’t wait to talk to James ID number XXXX again.”

Hopefully James got the message and they can both stop being annoying.

Reddit users shared their thoughts.

This reader suggests a different approach to handling James.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another Reddit would mispronounce James’ name.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This individual shared a humorous restaurant experience.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This reader suggests being kind to James.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Right back at ya, buddy!

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.