February 12, 2025 at 2:23 pm

Her Greedy Parents Transferred Nearly A Grand From Her Bank Account To Theirs To Pay For Their Mortgage, But Instead Of Apologizing They’re Asking For More Money

by Sarrah Murtaza

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

Who would have imagined working with your parents could get this bad!

This woman had the worst experience while working for her dad and living at home with her parents.

Now she’s not sure if she made the right decision or if her parents are the ones who messed up.

Check out the full story.

AITA for refusing to pay my parents’ mortgage after they took money from my savings without asking?

I (18F) work for my dad and get paid really well for my age.

I’ve been working for him for a year, saving most of my income in an account they don’t have access to, while keeping a little for daily expenses.

Things aren’t that simple in this family…

My relationship with my parents is rocky because their marriage is toxic, and my sibling (10M) and I are often caught in the crossfire of their unresolved issues.

I live with them, but I’m planning to move out and take my sibling with me when I can.

There was some peace for sometime but…

Recently, things had been calm between us, so I thought maybe I could trust them more.

They’ve always said my money is mine, so I didn’t see this coming.

Last night, they asked to see how much was in my savings account.

When I showed them, they grabbed my phone and ignored my questions about what they were doing.

This sounds like stealing!

I overheard them transferring $990 (the daily limit) into their loan account without my permission.

When I got upset, my dad laughed and told me to transfer another $990 the next day.

They didn’t explain why they were taking the money or ask for my help beforehand.

This morning, my mom admitted it was for their mortgage.

I told her they could have asked me instead of taking it without permission.

They had the most absurd explanation!

She said, “Your money is our money, and you’re getting the house when we die, so what’s the problem?”

That really hurt because I’ve worked hard for my savings to secure my future and help my sibling, and now it feels like all my work is pointless.

I refused to give them more money, which led to a screaming match with my mom.

She accused me of being selfish and ungrateful since they’ve provided for me my whole life.

She is so done with them!

I do feel grateful, but I also feel like they’ve crossed a line by taking my money without asking and then demanding more.

I understand they’re under financial stress, but I feel like they’re treating me like an ATM instead of their daughter.

I’m questioning whether I should just give in to keep the peace, though it feels wrong.

Why I might be TA:

She considers herself at fault…

I refused to give them more money for their mortgage, even though I live under their roof, and they’ve supported me in the past.

Maybe I’m being selfish by prioritizing my savings instead of helping them during a tough time.

Am I in the wrong for saying no?

GEEZ! That’s so unfair!

Why would her parents take advantage of her hard work like that?

Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this story.

This user believes this girl’s parents stole from her.

Source: Reddit/AITA

That’s right! This person thinks she needs another job.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This user has a great suggestion to help her save her money!

Source: Reddit/AITA

This user knows that the least her parents could have done would be to ask before transferring the money.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Exactly! This user thinks calling the bank would be a great way to get the money back.

Source: Reddit/AITA

These parents seem like they’re pretty bad at being parents!

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.