February 7, 2025 at 7:52 am

His Friend Has A History Of Asking Him For Money, But Now That The Friend Has A Job And A Girlfriend He Refused To Help

by Mila Cardozo

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/JakubZerdzicki

Unfortunately, some people are so irresponsible with money, that even if they won the lottery, they would find a way to spend it all.

In this case, this man’s friend keeps asking him for money even though he has a job, a girlfriend, and a family to fall back on.

Yet, he’s still wondering if he should lend him the money.

Let’s analyze the situation.

AITA for refusing to lend my friend a small amount of money?

I’ve been friends with this guy for around 15 years, we’ll call him Paul.

A couple of years ago, Paul was struggling with money due to having his hours cut and asked me if I could lend him £50 to get him through to payday as a one-off.

I lent him the money and he paid it back, no problem.

But then it became a problem.

However, he then started asking me for £50-£100 every month.

After about four months, I said no since I had things I needed to pay for myself and even though I can afford to, I didn’t want him to think he could rely on me to bail him out whenever he needs to.

No matter the circumstances, Paul is not responsible with money.

It’s important to mention that while he was struggling, his money management has never been the best.

He would regularly order takeaways for himself, buy plenty of drinks on nights out and he has Netflix and Sky Sports subscriptions.

Circumstances have changed.

Fast-forward to yesterday, and I get a message from Paul asking me if I can lend him £60 because money is again tight.

However, Paul now works full-time, earns a similar salary to me and is now in a relationship with someone that he lives with.

I’m all for helping a mate out when they need it, but given he now has a girlfriend, I fail to see why I should have to bail him out.

He feels a bit exploited by his friend…

Anyway, I’ve decided I’m not lending him the money.

He may be a mate, and it’s a relatively small amount, but my take on it is it’s most likely that he’s living beyond his means and that shouldn’t become my problem.

I’m also annoyed that he dropped me the message knowing that yesterday was my payday, since I’d mentioned it when we were out together last weekend.

He feels bad about refusing to lend him the money, though.

It’s put me in a difficult position, since I don’t like outright refusing to help somebody.

The thing is, he’s also worded the message in a way that implies nobody else can help him, but I find that hard to believe since he has his girlfriend, parents and a brother he’s close to.

He’ll have to ask someone else.

Anyway, I’ve told him I’m not lending him the money and to find somebody else to ask.

I’m waiting to hear back from him.


Paul needs to learn to be responsible with money and refusing to lend him money might help. Either way, it’s nobody else’s problem but his.

Let’s see what Reddit has to say about this situation.

A reader shares their opinion.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Someone shares their experience.

Source: Reddit/AITA


Source: Reddit/AITA

Another reader chimes in.

Source: Reddit/AITA

I agree.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This commenter keeps it simple.

Source: Reddit/AITA

That’s a surefire way to end a friendship.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.