February 8, 2025 at 3:21 pm

Rude Driver Honked While Waiting For A Gas Pump, So The Driver At The Pump Took Their Sweet Time Leaving

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Shutterstock

Things sure can get testy at gas stations, huh?

People are in a hurry, they want to get in and get out, and they definitely don’t have any patience for others.

So, what’s a person to do when someone treats them like this?

Read on and check out how this person handled it…

Can’t wait at the pump? Guess again!

“Got gas at Costco yesterday.

I was at the rearmost pump on the island.

I filled my tank as usual.

Wait your turn!

Less than 30 seconds after getting back in my car, a member of the I’m More Important Than You Club honked. He was in the car directly behind me.

At first, it didn’t even register that he honked at me. I mean, who would do that?

Then he honked again.

I looked in my rearview mirror, and saw him behaving in a frustrated manner.

Cue petty revenge mode.

I’m in no hurry!

When I fill my tank, I record my mileage, the cost per gallon, how much I spent, etc. I made sure to take my sweet time doing that.

After a bit, the car immediately in front of me was ready to go, so I turned on my engine.

I made sure to take as long as I possibly could to leave the pump, thereby preventing Mr. I’m More Important Than You from getting around me to the free spot in front of me, and, at the same time, preventing him from quickly pulling into the spot I was vacating.

Honking at me cost him an extra 60–90 seconds of his life.

I was amused at his being a self-centered jerk. I wonder how he perceived it.”

Being rude didn’t help him at all. Hopefully he learns from this, but I doubt it.

Reddit users shared their thoughts.

This individual chimed in.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another Reddit user spoke up.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This reader shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another individual spoke up.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

And this individual had a lot to say.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This is how you do petty revenge, folks!

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