An Irate Customer Demanded A Hotel Room With Two Queen Beds, Even Though This Type Of Room Was Fully Booked. So The Hotel Worker Found A Great Way To Comply With His Demands.
by Michael Levanduski
Staying at a hotel can be really fun and very convenient, but anytime you travel you need to be flexible to ensure things go smoothly.
When the guy in this story and his brother were trying to check into a hotel, they witnessed another guy from a large group of people berating the worker demanding a room with two queen sized beds even though they were booked.
Fortunately, the hotel worker found a way to give the guy exactly what he wanted, while also greatly benefiting these brothers.
Want to have hotel room with two double-size beds? Of course, Sir. Your wish is my command, Sir.
I had a hotel room booked for two nights, from a 5 star well known hotel chain, that rhymes with Boliday Finn.
Room was smallest/cheapest, with 2 double-beds, probably even located below parking garage.
That was about only room available, so it would have to do.
About a month later, I arrive with my buddy to basically drop our stuff in the room, so we can take off right away, while the sun is still up.
I bet this would be terrible for hotel workers.
In the lobby, there is about 200 person group shouting all at once to the two ladies manning(?) the desk.
After making plans for few minutes to store our stuff elsewhere, the desk attendant notices us, as we clearly were not part of the huge group, so she waves us over, past the large group, and starts to handle our check-in.
She politely asks us to fill the traveler forms while she’s looking up my reservation.
I thank her and try to make pleasant conversation about this and that, complementing their uniforms and the hotel, trying to improve the sour atmosphere the angry mob has been generating all around.
While we are filling the forms, angry man next to us, who was apparently the leader of the lobby-mob, keeps shouting, loud: “I demand that you arrange us extra room with two double-size beds! We had late addition to our travel, and they need a room with two double-size beds! RIGHT. NOW!”
Apparently, the arguing has been taking a place for quite a while already.
Why are some people so rude?
She tries to get a word in, but gets interrupted: “I don’t care if your stupid hotel is full, it’s your job to give us place to sleep! Stupid woman. Get. Us. Another. Room! And double-size beds! Don’t try anything else, I’m not interested of anything else! You idiot… I wonder how you can keep your job, if you can’t even arrange a room for us.”
Every time the main desk attendant tries to talk to the angry man, he rudely interrupts her, with more and more shouting.
Only thing I can do, is to keep smiling at the ladies, sympathetically.
She: “We don’t have double-size beds available, but we do have—”
Him: “I don’t want to hear! Just do your job and press the buttons to make it happen. You must be mentally slow, don’t you? Two double beds, or is that too difficult for you?”
The clerks shares a tired look with each other, but suddenly both have this lamp lighting above their heads.
They converse for a moment (using their native language) while pointing their screens and then proceeds to tell me: “Our apologies, Sir, but unfortunately we don’t have your room with two double-beds available for you, which you had booked for. As you see, we are a bit full today.”
While she is gesturing to the mob in the lobby.
Oh, this is amazing.
My heart sinks a bit, until she continues: “So, because we are fully booked, only room we can offer to you, is the executive suite at the 24th floor, obviously for no extra cost. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have two double-size beds…”
She takes eye contact with the angry man and continues: “…but it has 4 king size beds. Each in their own en-suites.”
Angry man drops dead silent and is just staring at us.
His mouth just moves like of a mouth of a fish, who is stranded on a dry land.
While looking at me again, she continues: “I hope you accept the free room upgrade, with our most sincere apologies in behalf of the hotel management. And of course all the room service is free, including the refreshments available in the suite kitchen and suite bar areas, and all hotel VIP facilities are in your disposal 24/7. Please do enjoy your stay and let us know if there is anything we can do to make your stay more comfortable.”
She dings a small bell and piccolo takes our bags while gesturing towards the fancy separate elevator at the side.
I’m so shocked that I can mutter only a little bit of thanks and follow the piccolo.
While we are making our way towards the elevator, the main-desk is explaining to the angry man: “Sir, I’m happy to inform you that we were able to make arrangements to have single room with two double-size beds, available to accommodate your extra guests. That will be 199€ added to your bill.”
Man snaps out of his trance-like state, and shouting resumes: “What the heck!? I don’t want some single room with double-size beds! I want free executive suite too! Why the heck does those guys get the suite and I get some small single room!? This is unacceptable! Why did you give my better room for those two instead of to me?”
She was just giving him what he wanted.
She now has much more commanding tone, and she responds: “Unfortunately, Sir, our ‘free executive suite’ is not available. It is booked now. I tried to offer you king-size, but you were having none of it. So will you take the single room or not?”
I can’t tell accurately what was said next, but I’m quite sure it is lots of cursing and throwing more insults from the man (using the man’s native language).
All I have is this grin while the bell-hop closes the elevator doors, taking us up.
Maybe half an hour later when we head out to check the city, the lobby has been cleared.
We go to the desk to thank the two attendants and give them both good tip, that we easily save with the free room service, over the expensive hotel restaurant.
Still, I bet the room was amazing.
Unfortunately, our schedule doesn’t allow us to enjoy the free hotel VIP services much, but the ladies definitely earn a little bit of extra.
It was great experience for us and I still remember this clearly, after a long time.
That front desk girl… she was truly maliciously compliant with the angry man.
The front desk worker handled this beautifully, and it worked out so well for these guests.
Win win!
Let’s see what the people in the comments say about this story.
Here is a comment saying the rude guest was stupid.
This hotel manager would have kicked them all out.
Absolutely. Kindness is always best.
It is a great compliance story.
Here is someone who used to work the front desk at a hotel.
Maybe this rude customer will learn his lesson.
Probably not, but we can always hope.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, free upgrade, hotel, hotel check in, king beds, large group, no vacancy, picture, queen beds, reddit, room upgrade, top, travel

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