Waitress Was Rude To A Group Of Customers Who Didn’t Look Like They Had A Lot Of Money, So The Customers Decided To Leave The Waitress The Smallest Tip Possible
by Matthew Gilligan
Customer service…it ain’t what it used to be!
And this story proves it in a major way.
While tipping is expected in many restaurants, what would you do if your waitress were very rude? Would you leave her a generous tip anyway, or would you use the tip as a way to teach her a lesson?
Check out how things backfired for a waitress who can only be described as RUDE.
Revenge on a Rude Waitress.
“This takes place when I was fresh out of high school.
It was payday, and my coworkers and I all went to the bank to cash our checks. As a goof, we got most of our cash in 100 dollar bills.
After that, we all went to Ruby Tuesday for lunch.
There was a problem…
From the get-go, it was pretty clear the waitress didn’t care for us.
She rushed us for our orders, it took forever for our food to get to us, she never refilled our drinks, and just generally ignored us.
All the while, she was all sweetness to the older patrons she was serving.
I can only assume it was because we were all teens (or slightly older) in work clothes and wouldn’t be giving her a decent tip anyway.
She changed her tune!
When we finally get her to bring the check, we pull out our wallets and pretend to all we have are 100s.
Boy, did her eyes light up and she was just as sweet as can be.
She was all too happy to get us change so we could split the tab, asking us if we needed anything else and whatnot.
Alas, the damage was done, and only a shiny new penny was her tip. If she’d just treated us decently, we would have tipped generously as we always did when we went places.”
The waitress should’ve been nicer.
Here’s how Reddit users reacted.
This reader nailed it.
Another individual had a lot to say.
This Reddit user was impressed.
This individual spoke up.
And this person shared a story.
It pays (literally) to be nice to customers!
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · customer service, money, petty revenge, picture, reddit, revenge, tipping, tips, top, waitress, waitresses

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