His Sister Moved Away To University, So He Moved Into Her Room But Didn’t Change Anything Around So That He Would Have A Room To Himself. But When She Found Out, She Was Upset.
by Michael Levanduski
When living in a house with your family, it is often necessary to share rooms when there aren’t enough for everyone.
What would you do if your sister moved to a dorm for university, but she got upset when you decided to move into her old room?
That is what happened to the brother in this story, but now his sister is angry even though he isn’t even changing things around.
Check it out.
AITA for taking my sisters room without asking when she went to uni?
So my sister (20F) went to University a year ago now.
She’s had her own room since she was 10.
It is nice to have your own room, even if your brother is cool.
I (22M) have shared a room with my brother (19M) since I was 10 so for a good part of my life I’ve never really had that privacy or personal space where I could close the door or maybe talk to a friend on the phone without being listened to (accidentally – my brother isn’t nosey).
I’ve shared a wardrobe for that time too and put up with a messy room because my brother is quite messy unfortunately!
No way, she isn’t using the room.
AITA for “taking” her room while she’s at uni without consulting her?
By take I mean literally just using the bed to sleep in because it would be nice to have my own room where I could close the door and not be interrupted if I wanted some quiet time.
Where I wouldn’t disturb my brother either as he works early shifts.
I wouldn’t move anything or change anything in the room as she still has some of her stuff here, I’d just change the bedding to my own and use it to sleep in and maybe watch movies on my laptop in the evening.
This seems very reasonable.
Of course when my sister comes back she would have it back and I would move back in to my previous room, no questions asked or fuss thrown.
I asked my mother as she is the house owner and we (sister or brother) don’t pay rent (brother and I pay for groceries / utilities) wether it would be okay and she was all for it.
She was happy even that I would finally have my own space for a while because it makes me quite upset that I don’t have that and I never really have and it would be nice to have.
She even said I could change it around if I wanted but I’m not interested in making it mine, I just want the private space for as long as I can until my sister returns!
My sister “found out” I was sleeping in her room and called me, she seemed quite upset / angry that I hadn’t asked.
She assumed I had changed the room and stuff but I reassured her I hadn’t and it’s just so I can sleep and think in my own space.
Nice to see mom is taking his side.
She then called my mum and said the same stuff but my mum told her what she had told me, that it was okay, she has her own personal space at university.
That it’s not fair she claims both spaces and should be grateful that I’ve agreed not to customize the room and make it mine in any way.
One of my friends made me feel very bad and said I should have asked and that it’s “crazy” that I didn’t and it’s a “violation.”
Now I just feel sad because all I want is my own space even if it’s temporary and I feel like I’m getting bashed for it :/
Why should she be entitled to use a room when she isn’t there? Sure, he could have asked, but it shouldn’t be a big deal.
Let’s see what people in the comments have to say.
I agree with this person.
Yup, the room isn’t a shrine to his sister.
This commenter says he should have told his sister first.
This person says he should get the room, but should have told her as well.
Why should the room sit empty?
I think his sister sounds spoiled.
And the internet doesn’t disagree.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, college, empty room, family, permission, picture, privacy, reddit, room takeover, rooms, top

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