Her Ex’s Grandmother Gave Her A Statue Of A Pregnant Elephant When She Was Pregnant, But Three Years Later Her Ex Wants Her To Give Him The Statue
by Jayne Elliott
If you had gifts from family members of your ex, would you want to keep these gifts?
In today’s story, a woman’s ex wants her to give him something his grandmother gave her back when they were a couple. She doesn’t want to give the gift to him, but she’s not sure if she should give it back anyway.
Let’s see how the story unfolds.
AITA for not giving my ex back a gift I received from his great grandmother
I (23F) and my ex (22M) have been broken up for just about 3 years now.
(For context now, we had a child together in our relationship and we are both currently in new relationships. His new girlfriend is pregnant with his second child.)
Recently I received a message from my ex asking for a stone carved pregnant elephant that was gifted to me by his great grandmother 5 years back. His grandmother sadly passed a year back and he is currently asking for it back.
I asked him firstly why he wanted it back as it was a gift for me during my pregnancy.
OP explains how she got the elephant.
A bit more context, we visited his family and his grandmother had elephants everywhere in her home.
I made a comment about how beautiful her collection was, as some of them were very unique.
She lit up and insisted I take one as a “welcome to the family” present.
I tried to politely tell her I would feel horrible to break up her collection but she kept insisting.
At this point I didn’t want to be rude and said okay and walked around with her as she told me stories of how she got some of the elephants.
The ex’s grandmother insisted she take the pregnant elephant.
Anyways, we stumble upon the stone carved elephant with a carved out tummy with a baby inside.
She heavily implied that my choice should be that specific elephant as it fits the situation perfectly (me being pregnant and all at the time.)
I smile and accepted and thanked her for letting me carry apart of her collection with me.
She gave me a hug and accepted me into part of the family.
My ex (who I guess got a bit jealous) wanted to pick out an elephant of his own, so he got to do so.
She doesn’t understand why he wants the elephant.
Back to current day.
He told me, due to the passing of his grandmother, he wanted to have the elephant to put with a gift he got with his great grandfather so that they could both be together.
When I asked him why he specifically wanted mine, he kept dodging the question and said it belonged to his grandmother and it being a gift from her to me held no value.
I reminded him that he got to choose his own that day, he dodged that too. Calling me selfish and a lowlife.
She thinks she knows what he’d do with the elephant.
Part of me is more than willing to give it back to him but part of me knows that he is going to gift this elephant to his new girlfriend because of her new pregnancy.
(I say this because I know his narcissistic and manipulative personality.)
Why would he ask me NOW and not a year ago upon her passing?
If the elephant doesn’t hold any sentimental value to her, maybe give it back. Currently, it’s probably just a reminder of her ex. However, if it’s a sweet reminder of her ex’s grandmother, than maybe it’s worth keeping.
Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story.
This person thinks there can only be two reasons the ex wants the elephant.
I really do like the idea of the elephant being passed on to the child.
She should keep it if she wants to keep it.
This reader feels sorry for OP that she has to deal with her ex.
This is a good point. She should hide the elephant.
It’s rude to ask someone to give you a gift that was given to them by someone else.
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, elephant, ex-husband, grandmother, picture, pregnant, reddit, top

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