March 15, 2025 at 11:49 am

Student Listened To A Teacher Bragging About Mistreating Students On A Bus Trip, So One Student Loudly Commented About How A Bad Teacher Can Ruin The Lives Of Students

by Michael Levanduski

teacher yelling in front of blackboard


A good teacher can help to inspire students to be the best they can be, which can help to make them successful throughout their life.

What would you do if you were sitting in front of a teacher who was bragging about mistreating students and making their life miserable?

That is the situation the young man in this story found himself in, so he went on a rant that hopefully put that bad teacher in her place.

Check it out.

Telling her she’s a bad teacher without telling her she’s a bad teacher

We’ve all had those teachers that take their problems out on us, and this story is how I indirectly shamed one of the worst I’ve publicly encountered.

A few years back I was traveling with my family and we were taking a bus to our next stop.

My mom, an amazing teacher of over 20 years, was sitting next to me, calmly reading and not paying much attention.

There was a mother and daughter pair seated directly behind us, probably mid 50’s and late 20’s.

My phone battery was already low and I didn’t want it to turn off so I was staring out the window people watching.

I couldn’t help but overhear the loud conversation between the ladies behind me.

I soon realized they were both teachers.

This lady should just quit rather than being mean to students.

While the daughter seemed like a decent person, the mother was ranting about how much she hated her students and how happy it made her to torture them.

From context I guessed the kids were around 12-13 years old.

A few examples: -if you turn in anything (test, homework, class work) even 1 second late, regardless of reason, 70% is the max grade you can get. Apparently she wanted it lower but admin would get suspicious.

If you ask a question she doesn’t like, you get shamed in front of the class.

She had a running list on the wall tracking how many homework assignments each student missed with snarky comments (would hide it when admin came by)

One student missed a few weeks of class for a death in the family and she told the whole school it was because he’s dramatic and lazy.

She admitted to slapping at least 7 students and was only caught once.

She instigated fights in student friend groups for entertainment.

Verbal abuse in general.

I heard all of this over a 45 minute period, and the mother seemed so disgustingly proud.

The daughter kept trying to tell her how wrong it was to treat students like that but the mom just laughed and called her stupid, naïve, etc.

What a terrible way to look at life.

This woman talked about how school was bad for her growing up so she wants these new kids to suffer just as much if not more.

She even said it was the best kind of therapy.

I was appalled to say the least.

Who the heck treats children like that and then insults their actual child when called out for it?

I never heard names or identifiers to report it officially, so I started thinking.

For once I had an idea that would make my usual problem of complaining perfect for this situation.

I texted my mom something along the lines of “The woman behind us is a teacher and a witch. I’m gonna go on a rant and I need you to go along with it. Close your book when ready”.

As soon as she saw the text she looked at me and smiled.

It was time.

I started going on a long, loud rant about a “Professor Smith” at my college that treated the students so poorly.

I bet she was shocked.

I listed examples similar to the ones the teacher behind us said, with minor tweaks and changes, all the while talking about how much of a negative impact it had on us personally and academically.

I whined about how she takes her hate and insecurities out on us and how miserable everyone is because she’s just an overgrown bully on a power trip.

I mentioned that even the other professors avoid her because they’re disgusted by how she treats us.

I ended it by saying I love my amazing teacher mom and know she would never do any of those things, because what kind of a loser takes out their frustration on kids?

My mom played along perfectly and we changed the subject after that.

I didn’t hear a peep from behind us the rest of the ride.

It was amazing to loudly complain about her in this metaphorical way.

I hope that she understood that it was about her.

All the things she was proud of, I exposed as the abuses they actually were.

All on a crowded bus with at least an hour left to our destination.

My mom was impressed when she got the details later.

I wanted to say something to the daughter afterwards because I felt bad she got caught in the crossfire, but they shuffled off the bus with incredible speed.

I wonder why.

Hopefully that terrible teacher took this experience to heart, but I very much doubt it.

Let’s see what the people in the comments have to say about this story.

Absolutely, they really do.

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This commenter has a great idea.

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Sadly, administration often ignores this type of stuff.

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This person says the teacher is sad and pathetic.

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This commenter questions whether the teacher will change.

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This teacher needs to be tracked down and fired.

If she hasn’t already hidden herself away.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.