Melodrama In Drama Club Leaves A Sick Teenager In The School Feeling Left Out And Guilty
by Chelsea Mize
It happens to everyone: you make a commitment, then you feel like garbage when it rolls around, and you have to decide whether to suck it up or call out sick.
But in this story, one teenager’s malady was compounded by major guilt from her teacher.
Let’s pull back the curtain on this drama…
AITA for skipping rehearsal because I felt like trash?
So, this doesn’t need much context, but I am a high school student in their last four months of high school.
Freedom is right around the corner!
I joined the school play, as I’ve done every year.
Mind you, other cast/crew members have skipped rehearsal just because they didn’t want to go.
I have not missed a single rehearsal up until yesterday.
Good track record.
For a bit more context, I have incredibly painful periods that usually leave me bedridden and vomiting.
I got mine yesterday and will be skipping school against today because of it.
I told my drama teacher that I wouldn’t be there (she knows about my periods) and this was the response.
Sounds like it’s not gonna be the best answer.
Me: I went home very sick so I won’t be in rehearsal or class today, but I’ll be in tomorrow (mind you I thought I’d be better by tomorrow, which is today, but I was wrong).
Teacher: I hurt every day. I literally can’t walk and I’m here.
Me: I’m sorry.
Teacher: I’m not going to lie, I’m disappointed.
This is kinda like your therapist telling you about their problems.
I feel like crap for not being there, but only because I know our director, who is my classmate, is already very stressed, but I don’t think my teacher wants me throwing up in the auditorium?
Seems like the teacher is becoming the student.
Let’s check the comments.
This person says, you’re not alone.
Someone else says we’re all entitled to our sick days.
Another person says maybe the teacher should walk in your shoes.
Another commenter says one pain doesn’t invalidate another.
Finally, someone points out that the teacher is responding immaturely.
If you’re gonna be in drama club, there’s bound to be some drama.
This is probably just the tip of the iceberg.
If you liked this post, you might want to read this story about a teacher who taught the school’s administration a lesson after they made a sick kid take a final exam.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, drama, high school, photo, picture, reddit, rehearsal, school play, theatre kids, top

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