March 17, 2025 at 5:49 pm

Mom’s Hurtful Messages And Threats Push Daughter To Keep Texts, And She Demands A Polite Request Before She’ll Delete Them

by Diana Whelan

woman texting on cell phone


In her mid-20s, she’s no longer living with her parents, but that hasn’t stopped her mother from constantly bombarding her with hurtful, anger-filled texts.

The last straw? A visit demanding she delete the proof of it all—unless, of course, it’s asked for properly.

AITA for wanting my mom to ask nicely?

I’m 26 years old, I don’t live with my parents anymore but I still keep in regular contact.

My mother has frequent anger episodes and will often blow up my phone with paragraphs of texts saying hurtful things.

She will often berate me, swear at me, and try to get under my skin by calling me a disappointment, disrespectful, and other things of that nature.


Recently she found out that I’ve been saving all these hurtful messages and demanded that I delete my text history because she thinks it makes her look bad.

She even showed up to my house to threaten and scream at me in person, refusing to leave until I deleted the messages.

On principle I refused to do so until she at the very least, asked nicely instead of demanding it. She did eventually leave but I know this won’t be the end of it.

The irony.

AITA for refusing to blindly obey to my mother?

While her mom tried to force her hand, she drew a line in the sand, refusing to comply until she received the respect she deserves.

And Reddit thinks that’s pretty bold. Everyone has a funny plan to blow up Mom.

Like this one.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And this one.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And this one.

Source: Reddit/AITA

A lesson in respect: you don’t get to act like a tyrant and expect the world to bend to your whims.

No matter how old you are when you learn it.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.